~Filler For All You Willers~

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I chuckle. My brother and Noodle are in her room "playing" video games. I just hope she doesn't moan much longer. Russel is sitting in a corner, rocking back and forth mumbling "My baby girl... My baby girl" She's not much of a baby now, Russ fuss. Finally, I hear one more noise, then it stops. Took 'em long enough. About half an hour later, Noodle shuffles out. "Oh! Oh! M/N (male name)! Oh!!" I exaggerate. "Don't remind us of the horror." Ash and Russel both say. "Psh. Like you guys can talk. Russel! Russ-baby!" I begin to fake moan again.
"Y/N" Russel growls.
"Yes?" I bat my eyelashes.
"Shut the hell up."

Busted & Blue (2D X Reader) *Female reader*Where stories live. Discover now