Awkward Confessions

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One day 2D pulls me aside.
"I don't mean to be rude, but I was wondering if you wanted to start a diet with me." He laughs awkwardly.
"What are you implying?" I narrow my eyes.
"Your form is still gorgeous, but you've always been so conscious of your weight and I just thought--"
"Stuart. I thought that Noodle told you."
"Told me what?" He furrows his brows.
"I'm seven months pregnant."
He doesn't say anything for a good three minutes, "Who's the father?" He murmers.
"I'm not sure. I'm pretty positive it isn't you, though. We always used protection." It's a lie and we both know it.
"No we didn't." His brows tighten further.
"Well, you're not my child's father."
"How do you know?" He frowns.
"Because, Stu! I would never have your kid."
His expression is hurt, "We both know you weren't with other guys when we had our 'thing'."
My eyes fill up. Screw these pregnancy hormones.
"It is mine, isn't it?" His voice is a whisper, "Why wouldn't you just tell me?"
"My baby isn't an 'it'. He's a boy."
"I'm going to have a son?"
"I don't want to do this with you." The tears fall out this time.
"Just talk to me. You haven't talked to me since we ended our relationship."
"I wanted to go back to you. I wanted to so bad. I just thought you would have moved on.. Why would you want me?" I whisper.
"I've always wanted you." He cups my face in his hand.
"Don't lie to me. I remember Paula." I move his hand away.
"Don't use that against me, I was a fool."
"You still did it."
"I just-- I want to fix this. It isn't just about you and I anymore, there's someone else we have to consider." Stuart says in exasperation.
I put out my fist for a fist bump, "To trying to fix this mess we call our relationship."
He taps his fist to mine, "To have you know I'm desperately in love with you."
I chuckle, "You're a mad man."
"I'm mad for you, baby."

"Moment ruined, never try to be slick again."

We've almost finished moving, by next week I'll have a better excuse of a chapter.
I just felt like this was an important conversation for them.

Busted & Blue (2D X Reader) *Female reader*Where stories live. Discover now