Chapter 6 (filler and a/n)

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The next month and a half goes by too quick. Stu is over every day and Russel still is the only one who knows I'm pregnant. Ash walks into my room.
"Y/N. Are you okay? You've always been so conscious of your body and now you're stress eating all the time. Did something happen?" She asks, worried.
"I've been putting this off, because I don't know how to tell you. Can you get Russel and Noodle, they need to know, too." I don't mention that Russel already knows.
Ash raises a brow, "Are you in some sort of trouble?"
"Just get them." Before I start sobbing.
Ash nods and brings them in. 2D had left an hour before, so I didn't have to worry about telling him.
"Guys," I clear my throat.
Noodle tilts her head, "What's wrong?"
Russ puts his arm around me. That earns a jealous glare from Ash.
"I'm pregnant." I whisper.
"What?" Ash asks.
"I'm pregnant." I say louder.
Noodle and Ash wrap their arms around me. "That's amazing!"
"It's not." Its a whisper.
"Who's the father?" Ash asks.
"I don't know." I lie.
"That's okay." Russel assures me. 

An hour passes of everyone holding me while I cry. It'll be okay. It'll be okay. It has to be okay. Should I keep it? Is it worth it? Can I afford it? It doesn't matter. I just need to cry.



Chapters will take way longer than expected. I'm in the middle of moving! Wish me luck.

I'm also sorry that this is so short, the next one will be better.

Busted & Blue (2D X Reader) *Female reader*Where stories live. Discover now