Chapter 7

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(I know in the last chapter, Y/N said her kid was a boy, but she was just going off of a gut feeling. Sorry for not clarifying.)


2-ish months later.

"It doesn't change anything, Russ. I'll have the baby in less than a week. Gender doesn't change my feelings towards my baby. Anyways, I've always had a feeling he's a boy." I scowl.

"Yes, but it helps me buy things for him or her." He whined.

We were sitting in the doctors room and the nurse put jelly on my stomach. "So you don't know the gender yet?" She asked.

"Not technically." I shrugged.

"I can tell you." She offered.

"Since Russy the Pussy wants to know, sure."

"You're having a girl--" She started.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes!" Russel pumped his hands in the air.

"--and a boy." She finished.

"What?" My eyes grew wide.

"They didn't tell you? Pesky things. You're having twins." She smiled.

"I only have one crib." I panicked.

"You'll need another." She shrugged.

"No dip, Sherlock." I hissed.

"Easy there." Russ patted me while, "She's a pitbull in chihuahua's clothing. Don't mind her."

"Hey, dickface. This 'chihuahua,'" I used quotation fingers, "will kick your ass."

The nurse chuckled, "You and your boyfriend are so cute."

"Nope, nope. Not his girlfriend." I shuddered at the thought.

"First of all, ouch." Russ pointed at me after I shuddered, then averted his attention the the Nurse, "Second of all,  what makes you think I don't practice safe sex, unlike some people?" He glanced back over at me.

"Nurse, you better hold me back before I go sicko mode on this dude's ass."

The Nurse did, in fact, have to hold me back.


Shit. Shit. After my doctors appointment, I went over to Target. I can barely afford one child, how in the hell would I afford another? Russel offered to pay for the extra crib, but I swatted him away. He was helping too much already-- not that I wasn't grateful. I just felt like I was taking advantage over him.

Sadly, I had the worst luck. I ran into Stu while grabbing more toothpaste while Russel went over to buy another razor.
"Y/N! You look like you're ready to pop. How's pregnancy?" He greets me. Ouch, I'm wasn't even that big. Am I?

"You're acting like you weren't just over at my house last night cooing at my kids." I rolled my eyes.

"What do you mean, 'kids?' Isn't there just one?" God, he was annoying me. These hormones will be the death of me, I swear.

"Apparently I'm having freaking twins."

"You really need to take up my offer of just moving in with me." Stu frowned.

"We aren't even together Stu." I groaned.

"Which is your choice. I have tried nonstop for months with you." His grown deepened.

"We are not doing this in the middle of a Target. What do you think this is, a Wattpad book? No. This is our real life Stu." I crossed my arms.

"I'll meet you at your house. Don't think this conversation is over." He did that little 'I'm watching you' thing with his fingers by pointing to his eyes and then mine.

"You're so weird Stu." I laughed, found Russ, and continued shopping.


Stu wasn't joking when he said he'd meet me in my house. The noise of Noodle and my brother getting it on in the next room was evident from the second we walked in.

"Do they ever stop?" Ash asked from the living room. Russ, obviously uncomfortable with his precious Noodle still having sex, shook his head no.

"How was apartment shopping Ash?" I eased conversation in.

"Actually, I think I found the one we'll move into. Russ visited it a couple weeks ago and told me to check it out."

"That's exciting. Has Noodle decided where she's gonna stay?" I asked. Noodle had been thinking for a few weeks whether she'd stay with me or Ash.

"She went with me and decided she was gonna stay there. Sadly Y/N, it seems like you'll have to sell the house."

"Or you could just move in with me." Stu said from the couch.

"Stu. We're not having this conversation right now. I don't want to argue."

"Well when are we gonna have it, huh?" He crossed his arms and scowled.

"Never." I lied. I knew we had to, I was just afraid. What if we got into a fight and I was homeless with our two children? What if he thought that by me moving in I wanted to be with him again? I did, but we couldn't. It's not good-- for either of us.

"Jesus Y/N. I'll be in your room so we can talk it out." So he wanted to do this now? Fine.

I sent an apologetic smile over to Russ and Ash, who both shrugged as if to say 'what can you do about it?'.

As soon as I opened my bedroom door, fully ready to talk it out with Stu, I felt something pop and then water flow down my leg. Then, came the pain.


hey. i know i sucked for taking so long. expect my writing to be a lot better now. thanks for putting up wi t me you guys. love you

-mad kay xx

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