Chapter 4

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2D's POV

I drag my cigarette. I miss her. I doubt she misses me. I had messed up so many times, if I were her, I would've left me, too. I burn every relationship I create, I guess I'm a bad person. Paula had tried to get together, yet again. I brushed her off. If Y/N ever decides to come back, I want her to know I've changed. Time alone shows me what I used to have. Sometimes I grab beers with Murdoc.
One day, I call Russel.
"Russ puss, how may I help you?" I hear Ash answer.
"Can I talk to Russel?" I ask.
"Stuart? You're still alive? I knew Y/N went on a date with you once, but she said you stood her up. We all thought you died."
"2D?" I hear a voice that sounds like Noodle say in the background.
"Noodle wants to talk to you. I swear on all things good and everything you love, if you manipulate her, I'll cut off your manhood." Ash says.
"Okay." I reply.
"2D! Omigod! What's up?" Noodle beams.
"I was wondering if I could hang out with you guys next week. I'm trying to better."
"Oh-- You have to meet my boyfriend!"
"Boyfriend?" I ask, stunned.
"Yeah, he's Y/N's brother."
"Hold on, Russel let you have a boyfriend?"
Noodle let's out a breath laugh, "Well, he didn't let me.. But we are together. We've been together for about a year."
"You've grown up so fast." I reply.
"You didn't see me grow up. You left me." She whispers.
"I'm sorry."
"Did you not want me? What did I do to make you leave?" Her voice stays a whisper.
"You didn't do anything. It was all me."
"You were a dick, you know that?" She let's out a quiet laugh.
"I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you?"
We end the call shortly after and I go to get my hair cut. I clean up the best I can for when I see my family again. I hope they can forgive me.


I sit next to Noodle.
"So he's really coming?" I ask.
"Yeah. Are you okay with that?"
"Yeah. I will be. I just have to talk to him first. You're the only one that knows about our fling we have. Don't tell anyone."
"I won't." She promises.
"I'll be back, tell everyone I'm on a run."

I run over to 2D's house. I knock on his door. He opens it instantly.
"Hey." He says.
"You got your hair cut? And you shaved?" I ask, touching his cheek.
"I'm not here for sex."
"I assumed as much." He shrugs.
"Why are you doing this?" I frown.
"Doing what?"
"Messing with the family it took me years to fix." I furrow my brows.
"I'm not. I really want to do better."
"Yeah, well, don't mess it up this time. We can't afford you ruining us again."
"I won't." He chews his bottom lip.
"Good." I cross my arms and stand there awkwardly.
"You can leave now." He chuckles.
"Thank you. Bye." I scurry out and run back home.

Noodle is in her room with my brother again and I groan loudly.
"Disgusting you guys!" I call out.

I go to bed early that night.
Everything will be fine.
And if it isn't, I'll fix it.

I promise.

Busted & Blue (2D X Reader) *Female reader*Where stories live. Discover now