Chapter 8

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Holy shit. Holy. Shit. My bag isn't packed, I have no clothes. I look Stu in the eyes, sure that there's nothing but pure terror in them. The pain is the worst I've ever felt in my life. He knows I don't have a bag packed, so he calls out for Russ.

"Russel! Get Y/N to the hospital now!" I hear him yell, but everything is growing fuzzy with all the pain I feel.

"She doesn't have a bag packed, Stu. What are we going to do? What am I gonna do? Oh my God." Russel instantly starts panicking.

"Calm down, dammit. I'm going to pack her bag. Call her mom." Stu eyes Russ, who's just standing there. "Come on, dickhead. Get to it."

Russ picks me up and runs to the car. I just hope everything goes okay.

Stu's POV

Wow. She really had nothing packed. I have to hurry, I want to be there to cut the umbilical chords of my children. I stuff all the clothing Russel most definitely bought for the babies. Then, I grab a pair of soft socks. She'll thank me later for them. I notice that Y/N really doesn't have any pacifiers. She really couldn't have prepared more? Grumbling, I continue packing.

Russel's POV

I drive as fast as I can, while still being safe. I don't want anything bad to happen to the children. I wish Y/N would stop crying out in pain-- its freaking me out. What if she doesn't make it past the birth? I know medicine has improved dramatically, but I'm still worried. She looks so scared. I approach the hospital in no time. I run Y/N inside and demand a doctor.

"Sir, we're trying our best to get you a doctor." A nurse says to me.

"Well you obviously aren't trying hard enough. Get the damn doctor. She's in pain." I growl.

The nurse flinches and nods, "Right away sir. Sorry to anger you. I understand you worry about your girlfriend."

"I'm not his girlfriend." Even when she's in pain, she makes sure everyone knows she isn't with me. I don't mind. I love Ash.

The nurse looks me up and down with lust and confusion, I roll my eyes in response. Obviously embarrassed at me bluntly rejecting her, she scurries off and Y/N gets admitted instantly. I wait in the lobby for her mother, who shows up seconds later. I lead her to the room and then wait again in the lobby.

Stu's POV

I am most definitely breaking the speed limit. I have to be there. I won't miss it. I think about Y/N moving in with me-- our children being raised in a family with their mother and father. I just wish she'd take me back. I know I'm stupid for getting with Paula. It's just-- Paula is so fun. She knows what she's doing, the sex was amazing. She's pretty and funny. But, she isn't Y/N. She doesn't even compare. I would never have children with Paula. I would never want to marry her. I want to marry Y/N one day. It's a fool's wish, but it's mine.

I made it just in time. I threw the bag at Russ and got changed into sanitary clothing. I was there to cut my son's chord. I cut my daughter's chord. I look at Y/N. She's gorgeous.

I think the little moments remind me that I love her. I look over the bags under her eyes, at the sweat dripping down her brow. I thought I could never find someone as beautiful as her-- yet here I am.

There was no way she could deny that the twins aren't mine. They have blue hair.

Busted & Blue (2D X Reader) *Female reader*Where stories live. Discover now