Chapter 1

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Deep in a forest in Kalos was a place that many Eevees and their eight Eeveelutions lived. They called their home Eeveeville. They loved their little village to live and hide from humans, but every pleasant place has a dangerous enemy trying to take it for themselves. Only eight different Eeveelutions were strong enough to fight and protect their home until one day a disaster struck and changed the village forever.

An avalanche was heading towards the village, ready to smash the entire village and the residents that lived in it. The eight Eeveelutions' risked their lives so the rest of the Eevees and Eeveelutions could escape.

The survivors of the disaster were heartbroken of the deaths of their heroes, but they had to find a new place to live. They knew they weren't safe from their enemies anymore and lived in fear that their village will be taken from them until a prophecy was created.

An elderly blue Sylveon closed the old book that she was reading to a few young Eevees in a small den. "What did you think of the story, youngsters?" She asked.

"It was amazing, Silvermist" a female Eevee said.

"Well thank you, Ava" Silvermist replied.

"Well I for one think it was boring" a male Silver and white Eevee yawned in boredom.

"You might think you're far more special than a story because your fur is a different color, Artemis, " a female Eevee wearing a pink flower on her right ear spoke up.

"Is not" Artemis opposed.

"Is too" Flower argued.

"Is not" Artemis growled.

"Is too" Flower growled back.

Silvermist waved her bows in front of the two Eevees. "Would you too, stop arguing please" she says.

"Sorry" they said in unison as they back away from each other and giving the other a dirty look as they did.

"Thank you" Silvermist sighs in relief.


In a different den, a Glaceon and Leafeon laid beside an egg.

"I can't wait tell it hatches, my love" the male Leafeon said as he licked the Glaceon's right cheek.

"Me too" the female Glaceon responds.

"Maybe our young Eevee could be the answer to the prophecy that Clairvoya heard about in her vision" the Glaceon continued.

"It's not likely to happen" a male voice responds.

The Glaceon and Leafeon looked up to see an Umbreon with a scar crossing his right eye.

"Nightlight?" the Glaceon says.

"How come? Do you not believe in the prophecy anymore?" The Leafeon asked.

Nightlight sighed. "No, it's been moons since Clairvoya heard of the prophecy from Arceus and none of her visions showed any signs that came true yet. I think the prophecy is broken and it'll never come true and that's that!!!" His voice echoed in every corner of the den.

"No" the Leafeon shook his head. He stood up and walked towards Nightlight. "I still believe in the prophecy even if you don't." He sighed in disbelief and walked out of the den.

"Blade, come back!! Please!!" The Glaceon shouts through the den. She looks down at the egg in despair.

"Don't worry, Breeze, he'll be back" Nightlight says. He leaves the den as well, leaving Breeze alone in the den with the egg.

Breeze cradled her egg protectively. "Don't worry my child. I won't leave you. You're going to love your home and I'll protect you." She whispered softly to the egg.

Faith the Eevee:Book 1Where stories live. Discover now