Chapter 12

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Faith transformed from a Jolteon back to an Eevee as the ThunderStone fell to the ground beside her.

"Aye over here kid" Neville said. "It's time I teach you about being a Vaporeon."

Faith walked towards the WaterStone and touched it with her paw. She now evolved into a Vaporeon.

"Great! Now it's my turn to train you" he smiled.

"Yeah, yeah whatever damp face" Biff murmured.

"What was that, Biff?!" Neville asked offended.

"Nothing! Carry on" Biff replied.

"Hmph..." Neville snorted.

"Anyways, let's get started" he continued.

Faith was ready.

"Okay perfect. Now for your first lesson as a Vaporeon is learning how to use Water gun. Now when you use Water gun, Water will shoot from your mouth like a hose. How about you get it try" Neville said.

Faith opened her mouth as some water came out.

"Come on kid, don't be a Squirtle. I know you can do better than that" Neville told her.

Faith let him have it as she bursts out a whole spiral of water from her mouth at a tree.

"Not bad!!!" He jumped up and down.

Biff was shocked by her strong power but shrugged it off. "Pfft whatever" he turned away and sat on top of a rock and watched from a distance.

Neville rolled his eyes at his behavior. "His jealousy is quite annoying. His sin is envy after all."

"Yeah, but at least mine isn't as bad as Nightlight. I can at least control it a lot better than him." Biff replied.

"Yes, but it wasn't always like that" Neville replied.

"Okay fine. You've got a point there" Biff agreed.

Faith gave him a curious look. "What happened before?"

"It doesn't matter" Biff answered. He jumped off the rock and walked away. Faith turned back to Neville, figuring that he'd know.

"You really want to know what happened, do you?" Neville asked.

"Yes" Faith answered, curiously.

"Well he was jealous of me because I took his girlfriend from him. She just seems to love me more than him because I'm cooler" he teased.

"You are not! Lydia was my girlfriend and you just seemed to impress her more than me for some odd reason!" Biff argues.

Lydia turned her attention to them by the sound of her own name. She rolled her eyes and walked towards them. "Would you two stop fighting over me. I know I'm gorgeous because I'm a Sylveon but that doesn't mean you should fight" she replied.

"W-we're sorry" they apologized in unison.

"It's alright darlings just don't let it happen again" she said.

"My apologies darling" she told Faith patting her head with her bows before walking away to continue looking at her reflection in the pond.

Biff and Neville shy away and blush. Faith just gives them a look. "So they both have a crush on the same girl?!" she thought.

"Come here sport" Nova replied, "don't listen to those hot headed troublemakers."

Faith transformed back to an Eevee and walked towards her stone. The Firestone was calling her name now. She touched the stone and evolved into Flareon.

"Alright!! Now let's see your fire burn bright!" Nova said. "Let's start with the basic ember attack. It's just like using Shadow Ball or Water gun. The attack comes out of the mouth."

Faith nodded as she charges an ember in her mouth, but only smoke came out. "Oh I see! Try again" Nova told her.

She tried again as the same thing happens. "Don't give up, try again" Nova repeated.

Faith started to get angry and growled. "Come on!!! Let it burn!!!" Finally a small bolt of flames shoots out of her mouth and hits a tree making a branch fall and catch on fire. "Oops!!!" Faith slowly backed up. Neville quickly used a Water Gun to take the fire out.

"Wow! Biff is right. You have power!!" Nova said, surprised.

"Yeah yeah whatever" Neville mumbled, walking away. "At least I have a girl and he only has strength."

"Oh yeah!! Look at this buffness!! I'm huge!! How'd you like to be my punching bag, weakling!!" He taunts Neville.

"Shut up, Thunder-head" Neville replied back.

Both Nova and Faith rolled their eyes at the two.

It became windy as the two argued. Lydia started moaning because of it. "Oh dear... Such a draft" she says. She turns her attention to the Vaporeon and Jolteon arguing. "Oh goodness not again!!" She cried.

Sakura walked towards Faith. "We should bring you back now, I don't think you want to be in the middle of this stormy fight." She said.

"Yeah, okay" Faith replied. She transformed from a Flareon back to an Eevee as the FireStone falls to the ground beside her. Nova picks it up with her mouth and puts it in a log shaped like a bowl.

"Here Faith, you should bring these with you just in case Nightlight comes back to the village" Nova tells her, giving her the bowl with the three stones.

"Thanks!" She replied.

"No problem" she responded.

Faith gave one last look at Biff and Neville with Lydia trying to break the fight between the two, then followed Sakura back to the village.

"I hope you're going to be okay, Faith. I don't want you getting hurt." Sakura said sitting with Faith in her den. "Promise me you'll be safe."

"I will, promise" she replied.

"Well I bid you farewell, Faith" Sakura tells her before leaving Faith alone in the den.

Another chapter. Hope you enjoyed 😄
I put a lot of Easter eggs in this chapter

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