Chapter 15

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Sakura, Faith, Weston, Petunia, and Lydia walked through the forest tell they gain sight of an Ice Rock. "There it is, an Ice Rock. Come here Faith" Weston replied, rushing towards the rock. Faith followed him. As soon as she was close enough to the rock she evolved into a Glaceon, feeling the cool feeling of being an ice type.

"Wow!! Very cool, huh?" Weston asked.

"It is" Faith answered.

"Well, let's begin your training" Weston said.

"What do I do first?" Faith asked.

"Let's try Ice Beam" Weston replied. "You have to open your mouth and a light blue ball will form. You then fire light blue beams from the ball at the opponent. Before you  use this attack, your forehead will glow light blue sometimes as well."

"Got it" Faith nodded.

Faith aimed for the tree in front of her. Her forehead began to glow light blue as she opened her mouth. A light blue ball began to form but it quickly died down.

"Oh... What a shame. Come on, Faith, don't give up" Weston said.

Faith tried again as the light blue ball reappeared. She focused on the tree as light blue beams began to fire from the ball, freezing the bottom trunk of the tree.

"Great job, Faith!!" Weston complimented.

"Well, we should be bringing you back to see if the village is safe. You heard what Clairvoya and Sino said." Sakura informed Faith.

"You're right, Sakura, I better be going back." Faith replied.

"Alright, come along." Sakura beckoned her to follow suit.

Sakura brought Faith back to her den. "Be sure to train. You only have one more Eeveelution to go. Farewell for now Faith" Sakura told her before disappearing.

"Only one more Eeveelution. Only one more." She told herself before she fell asleep.

The next morning, Faith awoke and left her den to see that many of the villagers were also awake. Spitfire, who perched on a tree saw Faith and landed in front of her.

"Greetings Faith. It's a fine morning isn't it?" He asked.

"It is" Faith answered.

"Well what are you up to?" Spitfire asked.

"Oh, I was going to go train." Faith answered.

"Train for what?" Spitfire asked.

"Oh just training for fun" she decided to say.

"Oh okay. We'll see you around" Spitfire said before flying back up to the tree.


Faith decided to train as a Vaporeon and practice shooting Water Guns until she sees the Vaporeon swimming in the pond and playing. She decided to join them. "Hello Faith" one of the Vaporeon said.

"Hi Ripple" Faith replied.

"It's great that you decided to swim with us" Ripple replied.

"I've never swam as a Vaporeon before." Faith said.

"Well now you can" Ripple said. "Come on, let's play a game."

"What kind of game?"

"You'll see."

Ripple swam towards the other Vaporeon in the pond. "Hey Pearl, Mizu, Cordelia, Angel and Gilly want to play a game?" He asked.

"Sure Ripple. What kind a game?" Mizu asked.

Faith the Eevee:Book 1Where stories live. Discover now