Chapter 20

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In the Spirit World, Nova, Biff, Neville, Sakura, Darklight, Weston, Petunia, and Lydia all circled each other. "I really thought we found the true hero of the village but I guess we were wrong." Petunia said.

"No, this just isn't right. I mean we all had to overcome our sins. Arceus has given all of us a second chance so why can't Faith?" Nova asked.

"Arceus has given us an order and we can't disobey him. You know what happens to Spirits that don't listen to him, right?" Sakura asked. The other Eeveelution Spirits nodded excluding Biff.

"But... He's not much of a Pokégod if he can be defeated by a ten year old human kid" he mumbled under his breath.

Sakura overheard him and gave him a dirty look. "I never want to hear you say that again. What if Arceus heard you?"

Lydia cleared her throat. "Well anyways, I think Nova is right. Arceus forgave us for our sins so why can't Faith be forgiven as well?"

"I think we should give her another chance" Petunia replied.

"I agree" Weston nodded.

"Me too" Darklight responded.

"Me three" Neville and Biff said in unison.

They looked at each other and back at the other Spirits. "We both agree."

Sakura just looked away from the spirits. "You seven are a disgrace..."

"Oh come on, Miss Loyalty, we know you feel the same way about Faith." Petunia responded.

Sakura thought about it and sighed. "Yes... But it's too late. The power has already been given to another hero by the order of Arceus."

"Oh... Right..." Weston's ears dropped and he looked down sullenly. "But... We still have some left to give to Faith. Arceus will understand that we're using the extra portion of the power for a good reason."

Sakura was lost in thought again. "...Fine ! But, if we get in trouble for this, you owe me!"

They then jumped off the clouds of the Spirit World and fell down to Earth where Faith was.

Faith was laying in a cage unconscious. She could hear voices calling her name. She groggily opened them to see that she was in a cage. She winced in pain looking at her Eevee body with scratches and bruises all over. She tried to move but to no avail. She was in chains just like her vision from long ago. She heard the Eevee Villagers calling her name. "Faith... Faith... Are you alright?" Breeze asked with concern.

"I think so? W-what happened? Where am I?" She suddenly heard an unknown cackle from behind her. She turned around to see two blood red eyes staring at her in the shadows. "Hello Faith, hope you're enjoying your prison because you won't be escaping any time soon!"

"Who are you?" Faith asked.

"Hm... Since you won't be coming out, I guess it'll be okay to show you who I am." He walked out into the tiny speck of moonlight in the area. He was a Pokémon Faith has never even seen before or at least a mix breed of Pokémon.

"What are you?" She asked.

"I am a Zoreon. I am a fusion of a Zoroark and Umbreon.

 I am a fusion of a Zoroark and Umbreon

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