Chapter 11

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Faith was lying on the ground crying about the loss of Clairvoya. "She did that so she wouldn't alter my future, she did that for me but why? What am I supposed to do that is so important to her. I am part of a prophecy. I am supposed to be a hero. What am I going to go through in the future? What am I supposed to save everyone from?" She thought to herself.

"Faith?!" She heard someone from behind her call her name. She looked behind her back to see Sakura. "I saw everything. I'm so sorry" Sakura apologized.

"Why did she do that for me?" Faith asked her.

"Clairvoya is basically a fortune teller for the village. She lived a long life telling prophecies she received from Arceus. She always believed in them and she believed every vision she had about it. She would do anything to make sure they come true. Even if others don't believe in them, she still kept high hopes that they would come true. Then you came along and she had a feeling you were the one she's been waiting for. Nightlight really wanted to be part of a prophecy so he could be as important as his brother, but it never happened to him instead it happened to you and he's jealous of you because of it. He's up to something and I have a bad feeling about it." Sakura said.

"What do you mean?" Faith asked.

"I don't know but he's up to something in the forest" she answered.

Nightlight was walking through the forest to the mountain where he met Eclipse and the Gengar. To his surprise, they were both there waiting for him.

"Ah, look who finally shows up again. I thought you'd never return, Blacky" The Gengar said.

"Did you do what we instructed you to do?" He asked.

"Yes! I poisoned Clairvoya with toxic" Nightlight answered.

"Did you kill her?" The Gengar grinned.

"Well I'm not so sure, I ran into a little trouble with that little fool" Nightlight said.

"The Eevee?!" The Gengar asked.

"Yes the Eevee who else could it be?!" Nightlight growled.

"Fair enough! What happened?" He asked.

"She evolved into an Espeon and defeated me somehow and I don't know how I could have lost from her when I had the advantage against her" Nightlight answered.

Hm.... interesting" the Gengar replied. "Well you've showed that you are worthy of my teaching, Blacky."

He approached Nightlight with a creepy grin on his face.

Nightlight backed up, afraid and unsure of what the Gengar was going to do to him. He holds out his purple hands and red orbs appear at the end of them. The two orbs join together to become one big red orb and red beams fire from the orb hitting Nightlight, knocking him out.

A few moments later, Nightlight's eyes open as they are now lighter red. He gets up to see Gengar and Eclipse. "What happened? Where am I?" Nightlight asked.

"Don't worry Blacky, my new student. You are my apprentice now and you have to obey me" The Gengar spoke.

"Apprentice? I don't even know who you are?!" Nightlight said.

"You may call me Master" the Gengar told him. "I'll call you Blacky"

"Okay Master!" Blacky said.

"Good. Now let's get to training you" he replied.

Faith walked with Sakura to the old Eevee Village. When they made it the other spirits were happy to see Faith again.

Faith the Eevee:Book 1Where stories live. Discover now