Chapter 18

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On the darkest side of the forest, cages with a whole bunch of Eeveelutions and Eevees were being held hostage.

"Get us out of here this instant!!!" A Glaceon demanded.

A low evil cackle came from within the shadows. "I don't think so... All of you will be of use to us."

"What do you want with the Eevee Villagers?" A Green Espeon asked.

"Ha Ha Ha that is none of your concern, Green Eon!" The voice responded.

"Who are you?" Ripple asked. "Are you the Dark One?"

The creature in the shadows broke down into a huge maniacal laugh. "Oh no... I am only his servant. The Dark One is far more scarier than you imagine. The Dark One has told us about an Eevee with great power, so which one of these Eevees is it? Hades, sniff out the little ragamuffin!" A Houndoom walked out of the shadows. His eyes were pure red and his horns were much larger than a normal Houndoom. His spear like tail looked like it could stab a Pokémon with one quick jab. He looked half-dead and half-alive.

He sniffed around the terrified Eevees and looked back in the shadows. "The Eevee is not here!" He growled.

"What do you mean the Eevee's not here, we got all the Pokémon from the village. How can she not be here?" The creature in the shadow asked.

"I don't smell any power in this Eevee bunch. That means that you've missed one. You better find her or the Dark One won't be happy with you! He has given you the power to fuse with those two idiots of yours and he orders his servants to help you if you need it so you better not fail him or he won't be very happy with you!" Hades growled.

The creature in the shadows groaned in frustration. "Once we find her, the Eevee Village will be our new era, where only we can live because nothing will be able to stand in our way for no longer."

"Now Hades, call in the other servants so they can help with the search of Faith the Eevee. Without Faith, it is impossible to please Arceus." He continued.

Hades growled in annoyance. "Fine!" The Houndoom soon vanished.

"Once we get that Eevee. There will be no hope left for the village."

"How do you know you can catch her? You don't know where she is and neither do any of us" Breeze said.

"Oh don't worry... There will be a dozen among a dozen of us that will be after her so there's no way she can win" the creature in the shadows spoke. "Well I'll be back and don't you dare try to escape I have eyes everywhere on this area of the forest. You are on our turf now."

A Sylveon named Melody who was in a cage with a few other Sylveon and Espeon began to sing 'An Unwavering Heart' to try and calm herself.

It didn't seem to do the trick however as she heard a few murmurs and yelling of annoyance in the shadows. Whatever the creature was that was speaking to them was correct. They were being watched.


Faith sat on the cold ground, mourning for the loss of her fellow villagers. "I was too late" she sighed, sullenly. "I failed the villagers... I failed the spirits... I failed Clairvoya and Sino.... I failed even Arceus..."

"Faith..." she heard a calm voice in the wind speak to her.

"Clairvoya?" She looked up to the blue sky. She could have sworn that she saw a spirit of an Espeon resting on a huge cloud in the sky.

Faith the Eevee:Book 1Where stories live. Discover now