Seven Days After The Disaster (Jeremy)

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I'm admitting this now but I am terrified to go out. I know that I'll be okay as long as I stay close to Michael. It's just.. Michael doesn't want me hurt. I know he's had talks with The Squip, he obviously doesn't know that, but I do. The Squip says I'm his main target. Maybe I shouldn't go. But what if Michael gets hurt? I wouldn't be able to stand for it. I want to be there for him. Even if it means my death.

"Micha.. you ready?" Michael turned around.

"Are you sure you want to go? I'll just have Connor come with me." I shook my head.

"No. I want to be with you." He sighed.

"Okay." Brooke opened the doors and me and Jeremy headed out.

"First stop. The store. You need to stay with me, don't wander off without me." I nodded and followed Michael. We wandered around the forest and finally broke into the open.

"Stay close to the forest along the pavement." Slowly and quietly, we crept along the side walks. The squipped looked more and more miserable closer to where the Squip lay hidden. Our world has turned into a dystopia and the Squip is loving it. We managed to get to a store and walked inside. The broken glass made a crunch under Michael's heavy step.

"Here we are. Grab what's left." I walked over to the section. Granola bars and crackers were smashed into the marble floors. I picked up a package of some jello. It seemed alright but all broke up. I discarded it. A stray mountain dew red bottle rolled up to my foot. A boy sat in the corner of the shop.

"Jeremy Heere." He said.

"Hello. How do you know my name?" Michael heard me talking and rushed to my side.

"Don't trust him." The boy had a seizure and his eyes flashed blue. He pounced into Michael and started choking him.

"MICHAEL!" I didn't know what to do. But then it hit me, I had to kill him.

"Jeremy. Help." Michael said through strained breaths. I stabbed him through his heart. I fell to the ground in sobs as Michael pushed the dead body off of him.

"I..I didn't want kill him Micha." Michael was gasping in breaths.

"I know Jer. I know." We left the store, with a not so filled bag. Heading more into town, both of our heart speeds picked up. It was a dangerous move but we had to take the risk for Evan.

"Michael. Careful." I pulled him away from a squipped. We made it into a produce store. It was just as destroyed as the last one. All the good stuff thrown on the ground.

"Michael do you think this all happened because of the changing?" Michael nodded and kept looking through the aisles.

"I hope we find something." I tried sparking a bit of hope in this eerie setting. It never worked.

"Jeremy anything good on your side?" I sighed.

"No sir." He stood up and walked over to the bakery spot.

"There's a few stale roles. That won't hold him over." Tears formed in my eyes and Michael pulled me to him.

"It'll be okay love. We'll be okay. As long as we got each other." Walking back out into the ominous street was the worst feeling to both me and Michael. It was like a danger zone where only the lost and broken can survive. We were lost and broken but even then the squipped were worse. We wandered through shops and shops. Only finding stores filled with broken toys and shattered wine glasses. Every step you heard a crunch of glass or a moan of a squipped. It was so dreary and I couldn't do it. After wandering for a few hours, Michael pulled me around the corner of a building. A deep voice filled my ears. 'No.'

"You spotted one of them?" The Squip said to a boy.

"Yes I did b-but they got away." I gasped and Michael covered my mouth. It was the boy I thought I killed. How the hell is he alive?

"You idiot! You know your job and you failed!" The boy whimpered.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry master." The Squip snapped and the boy fell to the ground, screaming in agony and went quiet. Tears slipped from my eyes.

"Care to come out Michael Mell. I have a matter to discuss with you." The corner of the building blew up and Michael shoved me away from it.

"What do you want?" He stood up and I sat back against a building opposite to the one we hid behind, trembling. I wanted to get up. I wanted to be by Michael's side, but fear held me back.

"I want a simple word." He turned to face me and Micha. His eyes blue, his face pale. Clothes dusty and standing strong, he still was simply; soulless.

"You and your friends escaped me yet again. I'm losing followers letting you all get away." Michael scoffed.

"Yeah because you can't seem to be chill even though you promise your 'victims' they can be." The Squip looked and Michael with a pretend offended face.

"I'm sorry Michael. I thought we made a deal." The Squip held his hand to his chest.

"That's been broken." Michael snapped.

"Well then I'm going. Oh right." In a flash of light I was being held in a choke hold by the Squip.

"I'll be needing this." I tried screaming but nothing came out.

"Jeremy!" was the last thing I heard before everything went quiet and I was out like a light.

A/N cliffhangers, my specialty😉

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