Chapter 3

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I walked downstairs, through the HUGE living room and into the kitchen, to see Pete standing at the counter, eating a grilled cheese sandwich. "Would you like some?" Pete asked with food in his mouth. I giggled a little and said, "yes please." He got a plate and put the sandwich on the plate and handed it to me. I pulled out the chair closest to him and sat down. I took a bite and thought it was probably one of the best grilled cheese sandwiches I've ever had.Strange huh?

I saw that I was getting a call from Ari. "Hello?" I answered, "Hey, so you said you wanted to meet up later, and it's later?!" Arianna said. "Yeah, lets meet up at the park by blackberry street." "Alright what time?" She asked. "How about 15 min?" "Ok! See you then!!" "Bye!!" I hung up and told Pete I have to get ready to go meet up with Arianna. I brushed my hair and put it up into a messy bun, but I like it like that, and put on a little mascara and lipstick. I walked downstairs to see Pete staring at me with what looks like an amazement look on his face. "What?" I asked. When I said that his expression changed. Now he looks like he's sorry for staring at me.

"Sorry. It's just you're so beautiful." I smiled and blushed. I could feel my face turning red. To break the awkwardness, I pulled my phone out of my pocket to see it has already been ten minutes. "Oh I gotta leave!" I said while rushing to the door. "Be back soon?" Pete said while winking. "Oh don't be thinkin' like that! We barely even know each other!" I said while opening the door. "Byyyeeee!" We both said at the same time. Weird. As I was walking to the park I had my headphones in listening to of course FOB, MCR, and Panic!, I noticed it was really warm out. I guess I didn't really ever pay attention to the weather like this.

I walked over to a bench at the park and saw Ari sitting at the other one texting someone. Probably our friend Julie. I took out my headphones and shoved them into my back pant pocket as I walked up to her. "Hey," I said. "Hey. So what's up?" She asked seeming a little concerned. "Well I broke up with Matt." "What?!?! I thought you loved him????" So I told her the story and she was trying to comfort me, but I didn't really care. I had already gotten so much from Pete. "I also have to tell you who I bumped into while running down the sidewalk." I said after it went silent for about 30 seconds. "Who?? TELL MEEE!!?!?!" Ari said a little too excited. I told her I met Pete Wentz and she, of course, didn't believe me. "Better not be fucking with me man," she said with one eyebrow raised. I kept telling her over and over again, but she still never believed me. "Fine if you still don't believe me then I will show you where he lives if I get permission," I said wondering if Pete will let me invite her over. "Really? Fine then. Lets see if you are lying or not. K, then text me when this "Pete Wentz" says I can come over!" Bye!!" Arianna said getting up off if the bench. "Ok then!!" I said waving goodbye.

When I was across the street right in front of Pete's house, I heard running behind me. I looked behind me and I suddenly felt some sharp pain in the side of my stomach. I screamed in pain and fell to the ground. The people or person that stabbed me ran off. I could tell because I could hear the running fading. I looked around me, seeing blood almost gushing out of the side of me. I heard the door open and briefly saw Pete running over to me and picking me up. I started to feel dizzy and heard sirens. All I saw next was black. I passed out

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