Chapter 13

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A/N You guys are now called my man gorillas. Idc who you are, and if you like gorillas or not, you are my man gorillas.

"Wanna go get some Starbucks?" Pete asked. I nodded, then said goodbye to Arianna and Patrick.

When we got in the car, Pete asked me a question I never wanted to hear.

"Why did you try and kill yourself again?" I stiffened when I heard this. I exhaled, and didn't answer for about 1 minute.

"Well, I felt really stupid for helping you when Frank punched you, because I fucking hated you for cheating on me. So I thought again no one wanted me. So I decided to finally end it. I guess I didn't think about how the doctors can stitch a vein when it's cut horizontally," I answered.

Everything went quiet after that. Not even the radio was turned on.

We got to Starbucks and ordered our things, then chose a table. I waited for Pete to come out of the bathroom, so I scanned the store.

Something caught my attention. It looked really familiar. It was a person... FRANK!!!

I jumped up and ran over to him, giving him a hug. He jumped at my random appearance.

"Oh my god!!" He said hugging me back. "I need your phone Frank," I said. He gave me a questioning look while giving me his phone.

I put my phone number in it and put my contact as Skylar 💙. His face lit up when I have his phone back to him.

"Thanks," he said hugging me. I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of his chair. He grabbed his drink, knowing that I would drag him somewhere, and brought him to the table Pete and I were sitting at. Pete was just walking back when Frank sat down.

"Oh hey, Frank," Pete said with not the most friendly voice. I gave him a be-nice-or-you-will-pay look. I think it worked because he didn't sound so mean after that.

"So what have you been up to?" Pete asked Frank. "Not much. I have been writing some songs. I don't think they are very good though," Frank responded shrugging. I giggled then looked over at Frank. "Hey, text me. I wanna talk to you," I said putting my hand on Frank's shoulder. He chuckled and said, "Ok, I will."

I got up, grabbed Pete and walked out the door, waving bye to Frank.

"How come you didn't seem to enjoy seeing him?" I asked. "Well, he sorta punched me in the nose, and never came to see you again," Pete said.

"He was the one who saved my life the first time, so you better be glad to see him. If he wasn't there, what would you be doing right now, huh?" I said a little too bitchy.

"I'm sorrrry, but would you like to be punched in the nose? And I have no idea what I would be doing. I would probably be drinking my ass off and fucking some random stripper or something," Pete said back mocking my voice.

I sighed and looked away. It feels like if I say anything else, it will start a huge fight.

We walked back to the car and drove home. I immediately ran up to the guest room, the room I was originally staying in and sat on my bed, staring at the wall.

My phone broke my stare by going off. It was Arianna.

"Hey," I answered. "Hey, I realized that we both really need jobs." "Oh yea, I forgot about those," I said looking back at the wall. "Well I know that I want to be a singer... so I wanted to know... if you wanted to start a band," she said stopping at random parts.

"Oh, ok," I smiled. "We need other people to be in the band. I want to be a drummer," I said really fast. "Ok, well I found a bassist, all we need is a guitarist," Arianna continued. "I think I know someone who would love to be in our band. He just has to text me first," I said. "Ok!" She excitedly talk-screamed. "Ok text you, bye!" I said really quick before hanging up.

I put my phone back down and stared at the wall again. Hopefully Frank would like to be our guitarist. Well first of all, he was in My Chemical Romance, so he knows a lot about performing. Second of all, he can play guitar REALLY well.

My phone went off again, but it was only a text. Random number. Frank! It read: I'm really glad you found me at Starbucks!

I laughed then texted him back. It said: Hey Frank. Yea I'm definitely glad I found you!! Well, Arianna and I are starting a band, and all we need is a guitarist. If you like, we would really like it if you could be ours.

I read the text over about 3 times to see if it was good enough, then sent it. He immediately replied, gladly taking the offer. YAY!!

I ran downstairs, telling Pete I would be right back. I ran out the door heading to Ari and Patrick's house.

Once I got there, I just opened the door, seeing Arianna and Patrick having a full out make-out session. My eyes widened and I just stood there like a rock.

"Umm." Is all I said. We just sat there awkwardly for about 30 seconds, then Arianna broke the silence.

"What's up?" "I found a guitarist!" I screamed like a fangirl. "You did?!?! WHO???" Ari screamed back. "FRANK!!!" We both squealed with excitement, while Patrick looked at us like we were elephants trying to grow a unicorn horn.

"Haven't told him?" I whispered to Ari. "Nope," she whispered back. "I haven't told Pete yet," I said. She nodded. Better tell them soon, or else they will flip. We giggled, I said bye to everyone and went back to Pete's.

A/N Goodbye my man gorillas. Hope you liked my chapter!!!!! Comment any suggestions or anything to help make my story better!!

Peace my man gorillas!

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