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My lipstick leaves a peony-pink stain on the rim of my cup as I drink. I sit between Millard and Bronwyn on the couch. Miss Peregrine perches on the arm of the loveseat opposite, a hand on Olive's shoulder. Claire sits on Olive's lap, and beside them is Horace, then Hugh and Fiona. The twins sit cross-legged on the floor, one glass of juice with paper straws between them, and Enoch lounges in the armchair in front of the mantelpiece. A cluster of mugs sit in saucers on the coffee table, apart from those already being clutched in hands or balanced in laps.

I take another sip of my beverage - it's still hot enough for me to feel it trickle down my throat. Beyond my cup, I meet eyes with the scot. His expression remains neutral for a moment, before his mouth curls at one side and he winks at me. My cheeks turn as pink as my lips, and I look down at my lap to let my hair fall and cover my face, but I am smiling.

"So tell me, Enoch," Horace leans forward from his seat. "Were things as bad as the papers said?"

All faces turn to the boy in the armchair. He seems to hesitate for a moment, thinking about his answer.

"It wasn't the easiest." He replies eventually, forcing a weak laugh. I see that his face has fallen a little. "We had to walk about a hundred meters from the boats when we landed, and then stay in our soggy uniforms while running around this tiny French village with Lee-Enfields, trying not to get shot."

Miss Peregrine winces at the final word.

"What are Lee-Enfields?" Fiona asks, nibbling at her lip.

"They're the guns used in the British army." Hugh pipes up, miming holding a rifle in his hands.

"Did you see Abe, Enoch?" Millard's nightcap protrudes beyond his robe, inquisitively.

"There are an awful lot of soldiers, Millard." Olive squeaks before raising her cup to her lips.

"Yes." Enoch agrees - his tone has become ever so slightly exasperated. Perhaps he does not want to speak about the army right now. I flash Miss Peregrine a look, silently begging her to change the subject. As soon as our eyes meet, she gives me a small nod of understanding.

"Violet, did you tell Enoch about Emma and Jacob?"

"Yes, she did." He takes the words from my mouth. I exhale deeply - his voice was beginning to return to it's eternally-grumpy state which I was faced with upon my arrival. "I couldn't believe you'd let them go out into the world, Miss Peregrine."

There is a unanimous intake of breath from my housemates - worried that Miss Peregrine would take offence to Enoch's comment. She presses her lips together, but gratefully they form into a smirk.

"They proved their responsibility, and they are both intelligent youths. I am certain they will be just fine."

"Are Jake and Emma getting married, Miss Peregrine?" Bronwyn chirps from beside me.

"Nobody is wedding anybody." The headmistress replies rather sharply. For some reason, it takes me aback. "Now children, I think you'd all better get dressed more appropriately. You too, Enoch."

She rises from her perch and swans out of the side door, presumably towards her office. The rest of us also get up and begin to swarm out towards the staircase. I use my arm to herd Bronwyn and Millard away, and then standing by so I could walk with the scot. He pushes himself up, and strides with one hand in his pocket and the other is held at an angle. Accepting the unspoken invitation, I slide my fingers against his palm and wrap them around to his knuckle.

"Where is your bag?" I query as we make our way towards the hallway.

"Bronwyn took it to my room for me."

"Bless her - such a sweet little thing. Although," I make sure to hush my tone, in case the headmistress was nearby. "Miss Peregrine seemed a little sensitive to Bronwyn's marriage comment, don't you think so?"

Enoch nods slowly, and gives my hand a squeeze. "She was always a bit odd about the subject, even when us older ones were wee." We are ascending the staircase now, still hand in hand. I can feel my palm becoming clammy. "That was why I was so surprised she'd let Jake and Emma go off to wherever it is they are."

I make a sound of agreement as we approach his bedroom, which has laid untouched for almost two years. Just imagining the amount of dust which must have gathered makes me want to sneeze.

"I might have a bath later, I feel disgusting." He grumbles once we've halted outside his door. I stand a step ahead, ready to head to my own room. Our hands are the only thing keeping us attached. I watch him look down at our conjoined limbs and smile to himself.

"What is it?"

"You're wearing the bracelet." He replies airily, still beaming.

"If I was dressed I would be wearing the necklace too. They're beautiful. I've worn them every day."

"Glad to hear it. I wanted to find one with a purple flower, so it would look like a violet, but they only had red."

My heart swells, and I cannot prevent a grin crawling across my cheeks. I take a step towards him and plant a kiss on the corner of his lips.

"You're the sweetest, Enoch O'Connor." I whisper, before letting go of his hand and waltzing my way towards my bedroom door. When I look back, he still stares at me with a coy smile.

Violet - Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now