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The rest of my housemates parade into the garden, closely followed by Miss Peregrine. Claire is clutching Fiona's hand tightly, looking very close to tears. The older of the two nibbles her lip as her eyes dart around the table. The twins trail behind, gloved hand in gloved hand, and I have to assume that Millard is loitering around somewhere else, seeing as there are no floating flat caps hanging around anywhere. The remaining visible children take all but two of the remaining seats. Miss Peregrine positions herself next to the one at the head of the table, to address us all.

"Welcome, everyone, to Cliffside Hall." She clasps her hands together, giving all the guests a universal nod of courtesy. It wasn't returned by all. "It's wonderful of you all to be here today."

Her cheerful remark is met by silence and emotionless faces. I kick Rosanna under the table, prompting her to give some sort of reaction. Upon turning towards her, I see that she appears to be mesmerised by the woman standing at the head of the table. The nudge proved unsuccessful.

Miss Peregrine also notices the lack of reaction, and is quick to commence the meal rather unenthusiastically. I had completely overlooked the array of food spread across the table amongst all the commotion. Sandwiches adorn the plates, several bowls of slightly out-of-season strawberries dot the table surface and stands of homemade cakes sit patiently to be dug into.

"Since when have you had a sweetheart then, Rosie?" I murmur to my sister through a mouthful of sandwich. My question is shielded from Sebastian through a mild buzz of chatter between families. He has turned to speak to Hugh's father anyways.

"Vi!" She squeaks, frantically leaning forward to check Sebastian was out of earshot (he most certainly was). "Well," her voice drops to a mutter. "I met him at university last year - he was studying philosophy . I thought he was rather dashing, and he happened to be in the same Hall of Residence as I was. So I was bound to run into him at some stage."

"And you did?"

"Obviously, Violet." She rolls her eyes at me. "We ended up going to the music hall together a couple of times. It was ever so lovely - he's a wonderful dancer."

"Is he from Europe?"

"His parents are Spanish immigrants." Her voice becomes more confident - she must feel ever so cultured, seeing a man of Spaniard heritage. "Violet, he's ever so clever... and handsome."

Rosanna seems to hesitate after that, almost as if she wanted to divulge more. I push my head towards her inquisitively, and she sighs heavily, yet keeping a slight smile.

"Sebastian's my husband."

She must see my face drop in disappointment, because she quickly adds, "It was very rushed Violet - not even mother and father came. It was only me and him."

"Rosanna." I sigh, still filled with slight despair and a little bit hurt. "When?"

"Not to long ago - about a month now." Her hand creeps from her knee and links itself to mine. Her palm is clammy. "You see Vi-"

"Did mother and father not approve? Are you eloping?"

I can see my sister becoming increasingly exasperated. Her fingers curl tighter around mine and some tension appears within her slim neck.

"No." Rosanna breathes deeply and grabs my other hand, her long nails graze across my knuckles as she grasps it. "I'm about sixteen weeks pregnant with our baby."

My mouth falls open, but I'm smiling. Rosanna grins - every inch of her face filled with excitement. Now she mentions it, I can see the tiny bulge which resides on her previously flat tummy.

"You're barely showing!"

"I know, I was beginning to question the doctor's results." She laughs airily, and her hands return to cradle her belly.

"How does Sebastian feel about it?"

"He's delighted. He will be a wonderful father." Her blue eyes flick upwards to me my gaze. "I love him for it."

Her words warm my heart. I am happy for her - and I too am filled with anticipation to become an aunt. I turn the other way to face Sebastian and tap his shoulder to draw his attention.

"Congratulations." I say with a genuine smile. The Spaniard beams at me and nods.

"Thank you, it means a lot. Rosanna was worried that you might be disappointed to have missed the wedding." He reaches out to his plate and plucks a strawberry from the bed of buttercream atop a slice of cake, and pops it into his mouth. "But I assure you, it wasn't planned."

"Well, as long as you love each other, it doesn't matter who was in attendance." I reply, my voice soft and forgiving.

After I speak, I look towards Enoch just across the table. Neither of his parents are speaking; all three of them stare into their plates. It upsets me to see him so obviously uncomfortable. He looks up suddenly, and forces a pained smile in my direction.

Violet - Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now