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"How about we have some coffee, Peregrine?" Mr Sumnusson sneers, turning his large nose towards Miss Peregrine. Both his wife and his son look to their laps in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, Mr Sumnusson, but we only have tea. It's difficult to get on ration." The headmistress says, politely yet still firmly.

"Well," the old gent sighs. "I suppose I'll have to settle for some old 'English Breakfast' then." He says the words 'English breakfast' as if it is some sort of inconvenience to him - which it most likely isn't. Who wouldn't say no to a cup of tea?

"Of course, sir." Miss Peregrine forces a smile - I can see that she is becoming irritated. "Horace, dear, would you mind putting the kettle to boil?"

Obediently, Horace jumps from his seat and skulks back into the house, adjusting his bow tie as he walks. Judging by his relieved expression, he seems grateful to be set free from the ordeal.

"Get us some gin whilst you're in there, son!" Olive's father squawks after him, shoving a large slab of Victoria sponge into his mouth.

"I'm sorry Mr Abroholos, but we do not stock alcohol here. This is a place for children." Miss Peregrine's tone becomes more stern. I imagine that she doesn't want a repeat of last time's events. This makes me think of the liquor bottle which probably still lies in the hedge - I hope nobody found it. The thought passes my mind.

"Ah well, we wouldn't want a bunch of drunk kiddies now, would we?" He turns towards his daughter and pokes her gaunt cheek with a podgy finger. I watch on helplessly as Olive's brow furrows uncomfortably.

His remark is met with silence. I feel Sebastian and Rosanna glance at each other from either side of me, most likely exchanging disapproving looks. I cannot say I blame them.

"Miss Peregrine!"

All head turn towards the conservatory door, where Horace has suddenly reappeared. His expression is beyond anxious.

"What ever's the matter?" The headmistress rises from her chair and begins to make her way towards the anxious young man.

"Come quickly. Emma and Jake are here. Emma is very upset."

A hushed eruption of astonished exclamations suddenly arises from the table. Many of the family members turn to one another in confusion, most likely not knowing what the previous circumstances were and not knowing that they were not scheduled to attend.

"Please remain seated everyone." Miss Peregrine requests as she disappears back into the house with Horace.

I meet eyes with Olive across the table, and mouth "Were they meant to be here?". Olive furrows her brow and shrugs, nibbling at her lip. Another concerning factor is that Emma is distressed, according to Horace, for I have rarely seen her unhappy.

"Who's Emma, Violet?" Rosanna mutters to me.

"She used to live here, but she moved to Cornwall last April." I explain, however I am unable to speak further as the headmistress hurries back into the garden. She seems very sincere. Miss Peregrine stands at the foot of the garden steps to readdress everyone.

"I have to apologise," She starts, her voice low and concerned. "But due to unforeseen circumstances, I have to end this event."

There seems to be a large intake of breath from all, in disbelief.

"Why?" Enoch's father growls. "I haven't come all the way from Glasgow for a half hour tea party!"

"Let her speak!" His wife hisses, before suddenly cowering back in her chair.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Miss Peregrine's voice rings like a siren. "for the safety of you and your children, I highly suggest that you make yourselves scarce. Say goodbye to your families, children."

Her chilling tone sends shivers down my spine. Seeing as she put so much effort into this event, I highly doubt that the reason for this cancellation was something insignificant. A sick feeling forms in my stomach - a mixture of fear and anxiety of what may be next.

It also dawns on me that I will probably never see Rosanna again, and never meet my niece or nephew. My heart sinks as she hastily gets up from her chair, closely followed by Sebastian. There is some commotion as parents and children exchange hurried goodbyes, and a general feeling of confusion over the mysterious circumstances.

"I love you Rosie." I whisper to my sister as she envelopes me in her arms.

"I love you too." She replies. Her voice sounds sad, puzzled - suggesting she also senses something out of place is on the horizon.

She reluctantly lets me go, and I turn to Sebastian. He holds out his large hand - and I shake it.

"Look after her." I say to him in perhaps a more imperative tone than I intended. He doesn't seem to notice.

"I will, Violet. I promise." He reassures me, with a small smile. "You take care, alright?"

I nod, and detach my palm from his. Upon turning around, I see a swarm of adults making for the door, and my housemates scattered around the table, left behind. A chorus of grumbling continues as they exit the garden. I look on as Rosanna turns around for one last smile at me before disappearing through the conservatory doors, taken with the group.

Bronwyn turns away from the door, teary-eyed. I quickly crouch down to her level as she stumbles towards me and gather her in my arms as she begins to sob. Her small arms hug me a little too tightly, but I look past it.

"I'm not going to see her again am I?" She whimpers into my shoulder; her words almost break my heart. I don't reply - I don't know how to.

As I hold the little girl close, Miss Peregrine reappears from the house. She glances down at Bronwyn and I, then to my housemates.

"All of you must come inside at once." Her voice is still troubled, while sends me into even deeper concern.

Bronwyn unravels herself from my arms, and wipes her eyes. I try to feign a smile, and received a similarly forced one in return. I rise to my original height and feel her slip her hand into mine as I make towards the steps to the back door.

A small crowd of children has formed in the living room. Bronwyn scuttles to sit beside Claire on the armchair. I see Jake first, perched on the arm of the couch. He spots me too, and slides from his seat to meet me.

"Jake." I exhale as we embrace amicably. "What's happened?"

"A lot. We're both a bit shook up." He looks back towards the sofa, where I can now see Emma dabbing at her eyes with a handkerchief. Miss Peregrine stands behind the couch with both hands on the girl's shoulders. "I have no idea how we got out, but I'll let Emma tell you."

I walk beside him back to his original spot. I settle myself in the slither of space between Emma and the arm.

"Violet!" She exclaims, throwing her arms around my middle. As I hug her, I notice her entire body is shuddering.

"Emma, what happened?" I murmur into her ear.

"They came to the house." Her voice cracks as she starts to snivel. "They took everything. I don't know how they didn't kill us there and then."

I pull away from her, and take her hands in mine.

"Who?" Hugh pipes up from the floor.

"The man from the wedding. He knows where you are." She looks up at Miss Peregrine, the tears beginning to spill from her waterline. "He told us they were coming."

Violet - Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now