twenty two

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The curtains in Enoch's bedroom have been drawn for once, so the late afternoon sunlight floods in through the window and illuminates every dust particle resting on his desk and shelves. The bed has been tightly made and the shelving units have been swept clean of internal organs.

"You haven't packed them all, have you?" I ask, moving towards the window.

"Of course not." I hear him shut the door behind him and stroll further into his room. "I'll have to find some more."

I see Bronwyn dragging a single suitcase down the garden path through the window. It is most likely the final item to be transferred. Enoch suddenly appears beside me at the windowsill.

"Where do you think she's taking them?" I ask him, still staring out of the glass.

"I heard Miss Peregrine talking about a boat whilst she was on the phone. Maybe that's our way out." His voice is hushed and surprisingly soft; I can feel him looking at me.

I turn my head towards him and ask, "What is it?"

"Nothing really." He flashes a small smirk. "You really don't look anything like your sister, what's her name again?"

"Rosanna, how did you know she was my sister?"

"I remembered what your mother looked like from the funeral, and I knew it wasn't her sat with you." I feel his hand searching for mine, and eventually grab ahold of it. His finger runs along my palm, which is still sweating from anticipation. "You're clammy."

"I know."

"We'll be alright Violet." He says after a pause. Both of his large hands move to hold my face. His thumb traces my cheekbone - the sensation is surprisingly comforting. "I promise."

I can feel myself tearing up a little bit, both at the volume of Enoch's empathy but also out of sheer fright. He must have noticed, because he drops his palms to his sides and moves away from the windowsill, changing the subject.

"Who was the other bloke, the tanned one?"

"Her husband, Sebastian." I find myself smiling fondly. "They're having a baby."

"Are they really?" He grins - not even melancholy Enoch O'Connor can resist the joy of a newborn. "That's great!"

"I know. I just will never meet him or her, if the loop works the way I think it does."

"Oh, yes." His tone drops. "I suppose not." Enoch pauses, sitting down on his bed. "How long ago did they marry?"

"Rosie said only a month ago." I reply, letting any disappointment run off me like raindrops. "She's besotted with him."

A slightly uncomfortable silence ensues. Enoch looks down at his feet for a moment, then returns his gaze. I lean on the groove where the windowsill meets the ivory wall.

"Have you ever been in love?" I suddenly blurt out, not really thinking about what I am saying. Enoch looks at me with a furrowed brow.

"Well, yes I have." His voice cracks mid-sentence. "I am."



It doesn't quite hit me initially. However I soon realise how blind I've been - I have not seen him smile at, kiss, or picnic with another girl, except me. He's not slept alongside another girl, nor has he lavished another with magical gifts. I am the beloved. A rush of joy washes over me in the form of heat, and I feel myself blush.

"What about you?" His voice breaks through my exultant thoughts, and forces me to answer with the only word on my mind at that moment.

"You." I begin to slowly walk towards the bed, where he sits. "Everything about you."

I find myself gulping in sudden nerves, even though they are completely unnecessary.

"I love you, Enoch."

My lip trembles when I smile - my entire being a sudden beacon of joy. Enoch runs a hand through his hair, definitely grinning, maybe even a little shyly. I watch as he stands from the mattress and takes three slow steps towards me. You would not be mistaken if you said he was a little teary-eyed.

"I love you too."

I throw my arms around him and hold him tight. I can feel his heart beating fast in his chest as he pulls me closer to him. My head nestles on his shoulder comfortably.

"I have for a while." He whispers into my ear: his fingers run across the dimples at the bottom of my back. "It must have been the letters - they made me miss you like nothing else before, Violet. That's when I knew"

I reply with a little appreciative grunt, which would translate to something intelligible if I hadn't been nuzzled in the fabric of his waistcoat.

Enoch lifts his head, but keeps my body close. His lips find mine and he kisses me softly, a tad hesitantly, almost as if he does not want to tarnish what is well and truly his. I kiss him back, putting all emotion I hold for him into my efforts. I want all of him, forever.

He pulls away for a split second in order to take a seat on the bed again - this time I settle myself on his lap.

"Could you kiss me there again?" I murmur into his ear, pointing with my index finger at the right side of my neck.

Without a word, he presses his lips to the spot where I'd pointed. The wonderful feeling it gave me before returns, washing any fear or doubt away. I almost forget about the situation altogether.

My eyes trace along his shoulders - they're much broader than I'd noticed before. I follow the neckline of his waistcoat down to the brown buttons at his chest. There is a sudden urge in me to undo them.

I am eighteen - an adult. Enoch is verging on twenty years of age, in other words even more of an adult than I am. When two adults love each other there is a tendency to do certain things to express their adoration for one another. This urge is making me, Violet le Doré, want to do just that.

With slightly trembling fingers, I reach out and gently slide the top button out of it's slit, then move onto the second one, then the third until the waistcoat is open.

Enoch rears his head, nibbling at his lip with a slight smirk. He slides his hands further down my spine and onto my backside. I take this as some form of acceptance of my advances, and slide his waistcoat off his shoulders, and get to work on the top buttons of his shirt. Our unspoken exchange escalates into us locking lips again, whilst I fumble about around his collar.

"Out! Everyone out now!"

Loud shouting from downstairs knock me from my bliss. I pull my lips away from Enoch and feel my eyes widen as fear is reintroduced to me. Enoch's jaw tightens as he grabs my hand.

"Enoch..." I say quietly; every part of me begins to shudder.

He uses his free hand to shift me from his lap, and he stands up quickly and pulls me towards the door, leaving his waistcoat abandoned on the bedspread.

"Stay quiet." He whispers, knitting our fingers together as we step out into the corridor.

To my surprise, the remainder of my housemates have gathered at the top of the stairs and are cowering behind the banister. Enoch and I make a dash to join them, but Emma holds out a slim hand to halt us before leaving the cover of the wall. She presses her forefinger to her lips, wincing at another loud screech from downstairs.

"They're here." She mouths.

Violet - Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now