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In the time between the beach visit and Miss Peregrine's gathering I turned eighteen years of age. There was no enormous party, or an endless showering of gifts. I got to spend the day with the people I care about most.

The day began with me waking up a little later than usual, and walking downstairs to see a fantastic birthday breakfast laid out on the best china across the dining table. One seat at the head of the table had remained empty, waiting for me. Enoch sat to my left, and Bronwyn to my right. When I completed the seating plan, Miss Peregrine raised her glass of orange juice in the air and toasted the day:

"To Violet and her adulthood!"

Her exclamation was followed by an almost choral-like repetition of her statement before everyone tucked into their breakfast. Enoch clinked his glass against mine before digging into some scrambled eggs. I truly felt like a princess then.

After breakfast, we all went out to the garden where I received a present from all my housemates - a new pair of baby dolls which I had once gawped at through a shop window in the village. They were cream leather with a baby blue toe and brass detailing - I fell completely in love. Shortly after, Miss Peregrine handed me three letters and two small parcels, which I hide myself away in the living room to open.

The first letter was from Emma and Jake, wishing me a wonderful birthday. Apparently Cornwall is beautiful - and that I should come and visit when I can. The smallest parcel was also from them, and it contained a little red tin carrying a black cake of mascara and a little brush. I made a mental note to thank them both via letter, although I doubt Jake had anything to do with the gift side of things.

The next birthday wish came from my parents, and it was basic to say the least. You could have mistaken it as a card for their long-lost cousin rather than their own daughter.

Finally, I opened a card from Rosanna. She apologised for not writing as often and wrote that she hoped her gift would make up for it. My heart swelled with gratitude for my sister when the larger parcel was found to contain some pale pink satin gloves with lace detail at the wrist. It certainly made up for the lack of gift from our parents.

Having had such a lush breakfast meant that a small selection of cold vegetables and a variety of sandwiches were the only lunch offering. Each of us piled up the food onto our plates and sat in the October sunbeams. Enoch was, however absent.

"Doesn't he want lunch?" Hugh exclaimed.

After our meal, Miss Peregrine and Olive took the plates inside to wash up, and I engaged in a game of cards for a while against Horace, Fiona and Millard.

"I have the King of Clubs." Horace smirked, smug.

"Cheat!" Fiona shrieked with a grin crawling across her dimples cheeks. Horace realised he's been caught and his smile faded.

"How do you know?"

"Because I have the King of Clubs!"

Fiona smiled in triumph at her victory and places her amassed cards on the grass. She indeed had the king of clubs, as well as everyone else's original cards. She is by far the best in house at this game.

It was then I heard Enoch's raised voice coming from the back door.


Upon turning around, I saw that he was indeed stood on the steps, hands in his pockets and looking very proud of himself.

"Come here."

I sprung up from the ground and almost skipped towards his position. He put a protective arm around my waist and gently pushed me into the house.

Violet - Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now