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When Flippy finally came back to the tent, he realised his brother wasn't there. He sighed. His hopes of spending some time with his brother had just vanished.
His brother was probably outside, and training, and when he would come back he would certainly just go to bed, exhausted.
Flippy waited for his brother to come back by doing push-ups. He would do a bit of training at night, because sometimes, he couldn't do it during the day because of all the mission planning. It wasn't always the case, but training helped him stay awake.
After an hour, Flippy started to worry. Fliqpy was maybe over working himself again. So he went out of the tent and started searching.
His brother wasn't in the training area nor the running track, so Flippy went to the forest, his worry growing slowly. He knew his brother would come here to train sometimes.


Fliqpy was running around in circles and couldn't find a way out, it was frustrating, it was too dark to figure which direction the camp was, he was at a complete loss of ideas. He couldn't do anything to get out of there, and he couldn't call out in case there would be wild animals, or worse yet enemies, somewhere nearby. Especially that he only had his knife on him. What was he supposed to do ? He took a knee and calmed down. He tried to remember the moon cycle, and use it to figure out which direction to go, but the moon wasn't visible that day, so he couldn't do it. He couldn't see the stars either to see the great dipper and use it for direction. He was lost and had no way to go. He tried to climb a tree, to see the camp, but he must've gone pretty far, he couldn't even see the flag mast! When he was getting down a twig snapped, but he grabbed a branch before he hit the ground.

"Fuck, too close!"

He mumbled to himself seeing how far away the ground was.

He finally got to the solid ground and got frustrated. He stabbed the tree with his knife and leaned on the bark cursing at himself. What was he supposed to do ? What could he do ?!
Before he could answer these questions he heard a noise and holding his knife in front of him, and pressing his back against the tree, he asked into the darkness shakily

"Who's there ?!"


The forest was calm. Flippy could only hear his own footsteps and his slightly panicked breath. His brother had to be here. If he wasn't, he didn't know where he could be. Maybe he had missed him and Fliqpy was back at the tent?
Flippy was about to go back to check when he heard some noise in the distance. Some twig snapping, bush ruffling and then a voice. He was too far to hear properly what it said but not long after it, he heard a fight.
He ran towards the direction of the sounds but stopped when he got close, to silently see what was going on.
He saw his brother pinned to the ground by two guys in blue uniforms. Enemies. What are they doing that close to the camp ?! Flippy didn't know and he didn't care. All he knew was that his brother was in danger.
His finger wrapped around the handle of his knife. Fliqpy was right when he said to always keep it with him.
If he'll go right away, he could get their attention to help his brother free himself, but that wouldn't do them much good. He had to think fast, even if his brother was fighting hard, the two enemies were starting to tie him up.
When his second hand touched a big stick, he stopped thinking. He get out of the bush and called the enemies. They turned to face him, only for the closest one to take the solid stick in the face. Flippy let the stick fall and took out his knife as fast as he could and managed to hurt the second one's shoulder before he backed off, scared by the unexpected turn if events.


Fliqpy was taken by surprise by two soldiers, who straight away pinned him down easily and were about to tie him up. He couldn't free himself no matter how hard he tried, the two of them were much heavier than him of course. He couldn't even move his arm to attack, he thought it was all over when they were tying his hands behind his back, when suddenly one of them fell for no reason. He was quite shocked to see it, but then saw his brother standing, looking furroius, but hiding his panic, as he went for the second kill.


Flippy aimed at the head of the second soldier to knock him down but he saw the blow coming and easily dogged.
The enemy took out his own knife and aimed at Flippy's exposed stomach. He manage to back off to dodge, but he was a bit too late and the blade cut through the skin.
Flippy winced. He didn't want to kill but right now, it was kill or be killed. He put all his strength on his knife ad he made it collide with the enemy's one. Surprised and unprepared, the soldier felt his knife being torn away from his hand. It flew through the air and into the ground. Flippy immediately took another blow while the soldier was unarmed and cut his throat.
The enemy fell to the ground, grabbing the wound to try to stop the blood from porring out, without result.
Flippy turned to face his brother, panting. He had some blood on him but he didn't care. The adrenaline keeping the pain away for now. He grabbed his brother's arm and started to run towards the camp. He ran away from the corpse. He ran without letting his grip on his brother's arm fall. For a moment he didn't know where he was running toward. His mind was blank. He just knew he wanted to get away, as far away as possible.

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