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When Flippy woke up, he wished he hadn't. His head hurt, his stomach hurt and he could feel a bit of pain in his leg and chest for some reason.
Everything around him was grey. He slowly stood up, his hand pressed against his stomach. He discretely tried to open the door, but just as he thought, it was locked.
He sighed and sat on the ground. He was probably at the base, imprisoned by the enemies.
He remembered hearing shots before the solider came out and the pain in his leg and chest wasn't giving him a good feeling. He was hoping his brother was okay. He knew he was certainly injured, and even if he was hoping for the contrary, since he was inside the camp, he was probably captured too. He wished he could see him in no time.
The mission had failed. Just like he feared. But what gave them away ? And why did the enemies not kill them right away and bother to capture them ?
... Intel.
They wanted information. It was the same scenario as their last mission, but worse. This time, getting out looked far more difficult.
Flippy waited in the room. Someone would come at some point. He knew it.


Fliqpy sat there for some time, until someone walked through the door. He sat up from the floor and looked around. It wasn't his brother, so he felt better for a moment. The soldier dragged him up to his feet, and grabbed his arm, pushing him out the door. He couldn't even run and barely walk, he fell to his knees, unable to walk on the hurt foot, but the other one once again forcefully dragged him up. His head hurt and for some reason and so did his stomach, but he blamed that on the other injuries. He was pushed through the grey corridors, dimly lit with light bulbs. They had to be deep down underground in the prison. Finally they stopped by a door, as he felt more blood in his mouth, and then he was pushed inside.
And who he saw inside wrecked his mind and killed the hope.


Flippy got to his feet immediately when he heard his door unlocking. He was surprised when his brother was shoved into his cell and the door closing behind him.
He didn't knew how to react. He just wanted to hug his brother and express his relief to see him alive and more well than he thought, but he didn't know if he could. Maybe enemies were watching them to learn more about their relationship to hurt them more painfully ?
Fuck it, they had taken their dog tags and the two of them looked almost exactly the same except for their eyes, it was obvious that they had a link.
So he did it anyway.

"God, are you okay ?"


Fliqpy saw his brother and broke down. He couldn't take it, he failed again, over and over, all the time! He didn't care what it took, he wanted to help his brother get back to the camp! Just how?! Just when his brother stood up, he fell down, as his legs gave in, and he coughed up some blood.

"I'm fine... Considering the circumstances...."

He said weakly. Damn, this was bad. But he knew what would happen. They'd interrogate them now, using one another. The only question was, who was the punching bag ? He knew if it was him, Flippy would spill everything after a while, because he cared too much. Then again, he wouldn't let him suffer either, he'd have to do something. But he needed a distraction. Anything !
Then he remembered something and smirked a little, and stood up.

"I've got an idea..."


Flippy knelt in front of his brother and used his sleeve to wipe off the blood he just cough out. Seeing him in this state was hurting him more than the bullet he took. They didn't have to look weak in front of the enemies.
He looked at his brother, worried. He had took a bullet in the chest again. That was bad. Instinctively, he put his hand to the place from which the pain radiated in his own chest. That... Was the exact same place.
Flippy snapped out of his thoughts about this strange coincidence.

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