|Shot 36| • Unconscious • |Stenbrough|

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We rushed out of the pharmacy with the medical stuff and Eddie got to work tending to the wounded kid.

"W-What's your n-name?" I asked him curiously, trying to keep the situation calm but despite his bleeding, the kid was docile.

"I'm uhm..."

"Ben from Soc?" Beverly queried. "That looks like it hurts. Are you okay?" she asked him tenderly.

"Y-Yeah, these guys are helping me out" Ben replied shyly.

"Are you sure they got the right, stuff, to fix you up?" she winked, and Ben blushed.

"H-He ran into B-Bow-Bowers" I explained.

"Oh...Well, um, I hope you feel better, Ben. Maybe I'll see you guys later"

"Yeah w-we were thinking about going to the q-quarry together tomorrow. Y-You should c-come with" I offered.

"Sure" she grinned, and walked off.

I turned my attention back to Stan, Ben, Richie, and Eddie.

"You have to suck the wound before you apply the bandage, this is 101!" Richie instructed.

"Why don't you shut the fuck up, Einstein, I know what I'm doing" Eddie said annoyed.

I looked to Stan who was cupping his face in his hands and breathing heavily. His face flushed pale, and he was shaking.

"Stan?" I said gently.

"He's bleeding" Stan gulped. "He's bleeding, oh my God he's bleeding"

"Stan, I- it's okay" I tried to calm him, but it didn't work.

He passed out.

"Oh shit, Stan!" I yelled and kneeled down.

Richie ran over along with Eddie.

"What the fuck just happened?!" Eddie yelled.

"He p-p-passed out!" I explained.

"You have to give him CPR! Richie, help him!"

"He needs mouth-to-mouth" Richie said. "I'll do it"

"The hell you are!" I yelled at him sassily.

I pushed him away and knelt down next to Stan.

"What the fuck, dude?!" Richie cursed, but I ignored him and gave all my attention to Stan.

His golden curls were in his closed eyes and I brushed them behind his ear. I pinched his nose and took a deep breath.

Here goes.

I pressed my lips firmly onto his and blew air into his mouth. His lips were soft and pale, their usual lively red flushing pale pink. I gave him mouth-to-mouth and chest compressions.

"Come on, Stanny, please! Breathe!"

I moved my lips to his and blew air one more time before he gasped in my mouth. His eyes shot open wide and I moved back a little to give him space as he sprang up.

"Bill...?" he croaked.

"H-Hey, Stan" I said nervously.

"Did you just...kiss me?" he asked quietly.

"I-I was just giving you CPR, I-"

"Thank you, Bill!" he threw himself into my arms.

I was caught off guard, but I wrapped my arms around him and he locked his arms around my neck as we laughed. He pulled away and pecked my cheek. OhmyGod that was cute. We gazed into each other's eyes as he leaned into me.

"Y'Know, Bill...you take my breath away again I might need Eddie's inhaler"

"I'll b-be your inhaler, Stan" I grinned goofily.

We leaned in, but stopped abruptly when someone cleared their throat.

"Uhmmm, guys? Bleeding kid here, not time for sex"

"Shut the fuck up, Richie" Eddie said annoyed, not even taking his eyes off of Ben's wound.

I helped Stan up and we both blushed, but I held his hand. We laughed as Richie and Eddie argued. It was nice to meet a new friend.

But even nicer to get to squeeze Stan's hand, and feel him squeeze back.

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