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Milah's POV

There are two things in this world I can never have, one being my father, and the other being with Billy Loomis.

For the past three years I've had a crush on one of my closest friends. No one knows, not even Tatum, because if she knew she would tell Sidney and I don't want Sidney to hate me.

I'm currently in my bedroom looking for my favorite sweater, that's when it hits me. I left it at Billy's because I didn't want to be at home while my aunt had her boyfriend over.

Lucky for me he lives right next door.

I left my house and went to Billy's house and knocked on the door and Billy's dad answered

"Ah, Milah what brings you here" he said with a smile

"I left my sweater in Billy's room by accident, I was wondering if I could get it" I said and he smiled

"Of course you can, and could you tell him that I'll be leaving, just for a couple of hours, I'm going to the Law Firm" he says as I smile and nod

He let's me inside and I go upstairs to Billy's room, his door was shut so I quietly open the door and look for my sweater, I see it on top of the chair where I left it, and grab it.

As I turn around I see someone enter the room from the bathroom in a some what Ghost face Halloween costume and a curved knife in their hand.

"What the fuck!" I say as I slowly back up

They run towards me and I fall out of the opened window that was facing my room, they reach out for my hand but it's too late.

I fall into a bush wincing in pain.

"Fucking hell" I say as I stair back into Billy's room and to my surprise I see no one.

I stand up and start to walking towards my house, I stopped to feel something wet on my thigh. I look down to see a sharp stick in my thigh from falling.

I pull it out and blood starts to ooze out. I take my shirt off revealing a white tank top, I rip a piece of my shirt off and tie it around my thigh to stop the bleeding.

I walk into my house and into my room locking my door.

"What the hell was that" I mutter

I walk into my bathroom and take the ripped piece of shirt off of my thigh as well as my jeans.

I hop to my medicine cabinet and get my first aid kit, I hop to the sink and wash my hands.

That when I heard a knock at my door.

"Who is it?" I say unsure

"It's Billy" they say and I let out a sigh of relief

"Okay" I say "I'm in the bathroom"

And he walks in

"Jesus Billy, the least you could do was knock" I say as he looks at me with concern

"I saw blood coming in here so I thought something was wrong" he said

"Well, yeah I went to your house to get my sweater that I left at your place-" I started as he walked closer to me "-I got my sweater but you also had a visitor, they were wearing a black Grim Reaper outfit with a Ghost Face and a knife-" I continued and he picked me up and put me on the counter, that's when my cheeks got red "-A... And they ran towards me so I walked backwards out of your window into the bush that we planted when we were little, and a stick was lodged into my thigh"

"So you came here to clean it up?" he said and I nodded

"Well duh, what if the dude with the knife was still in your room, I wouldn't want to die at this age" I said and he poured some alcohol on my wound

"Shit" I yelled and he laughed

"Oops, sorry I should have warned you" he said

"No shit Billy" I said and giggled

He bandaged me up and I jumped down off of the counter wincing at the shock wave of pain in my leg which caused my leg to bend.

But before I could fall Billy put his arms around my waist and helped me up.

"Thanks" I say as we lock eyes with each other

His eyes went from mine, to my lips, then back up to my eyes

"Billy" I whisper

"Mia" he whispers

Then that's when he leaned in and kissed me, I was shocked at first but I quickly gave in putting my hands in his hair pulling him closer.

My lips moved in sync with his and I feel like the world has stopped, like it was just the two of us.

That's when he broke up the kiss.

"Do you know how long I've been wanting to do that" he said with a smirk

"No, but I could say the same" I said and he kissed me again but seconds later I pushed him back

"What about Sidney" I said and he looked down

"I love her but I'm not in love with her, I know who I'm in love with" he said and I blushed

"But you're still with her" I said and walked out of my bathroom as he closely followed me

"I will break up with her, I will do anything to be with you, please give me some time" he says and I nod

"I'm giving you till tomorrow" I said and he smiled

"You won't regret it" he said as he gave me one last kiss and walked out of my room.

"Milah Mendez, what have you gotten yourself into" I muttered to myself

I blushed deeply and started to dance around my room, but because me being so giddy and forgetting about my leg, my leg gives out and I fall flat on my face.

As I got up I went to my bed and I fell asleep.


Hours go by and I'm woken up by my cellular phone on my night stand ringing.

I pick it up as I look at the time.


'Milah, it's Tatum'

"Oh, Hey Tatum what's up"

'Nothing really, I just got off the phone with Sidney, I wanted to call you and tell you that practice ran late so I'm going to the movie store'

"You want some company"

'Hell yeah, I'll be at your place in a little, you're helping me choose a movie'

"Of course, I'll see you when you get here" I said and she hung up

I put cellular phone down and I get up off of my bed. I looked at what I had on and decided to change.

I put on a black crop top with Michael Myers on it, a pair of blue pants, and my favorite black converse.

I hear a honk in front of my house, which means Tatum is here.

I leave my house to Tatum's car.

"Hey Tatum" I said

"Hey Milah, you look hot" she says and I smile

"Thanks, I just threw what I saw on" I said and we laughed

"Well let's get going then" she said and we left

In Love With A Psycho Killer ||• Billy Looms •||Where stories live. Discover now