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Milah's POV

It's been at least four hours since Tatum, Sidney and I arrived at Stu's house.

Billy showed up late, like he said he would, and when he did both he and Sidney went upstairs to Stu's parents bedroom, Stu told me that Tatum left.

Stu, Randy, some other kids from school and I sat in the living room and watched Halloween

"I wanna see breasts, I wanna see Jamie Lee's breasts, when do we see Jaime Lee's breasts" Stu said and I rolled my eyes

"Of course you would say that Stu" I say and laugh

"Breasts, not until trading places in eighty three, Jaime Lee was always the virgin in horror movies, she never showed her tits till she went legits" Randy said with amusement

"Could've afford a decent pair" Stacy said

"What did you say... That's why she always out smarted the killer in the big chase scene only virgins could do that, don't you know the rules" Randy said

"What rules?" Elliot asked

"You don't-" Randy started as he plopped his beer down on the table "-Jesus Christ you don't know the rules"

"Have an aneurysm why don't ya" Stu said

"There are certain rules, that one must abide by in order to successfully survive a horror movie, for instance number one, you can never have sex-" he say and we all boo "-Big no no, big no -"

Stu said something but I couldn't understand him

"-Sex equals death, okay Number two you can never drink or do drugs-" we all cheer and clink our beers together "-The sin factor, the sin it's an extension on number one, and number three never ever, ever under any circumstances say I'll be right back, because you won't be back-"

"I'm gettin' another beer you want one" Stu asks

"Yeah sure" Randy says

"I'll be right back" Stu says in a joking manner and we all 'Ohh'

"See you pushed the laws, and you end up dead, okay I'll see you in the kitchen with a knife" Randy says as he salutes his beer to Stu

I get up and walk towards the bathroom

"Where are you going?" Randy asks

"Bathroom-" I pause as Randy sits down "-I'll be Right back" I say as they all 'Ohh' again and I laugh

I walk into the bathroom to collect myself. This is really going to happen, weather I like it or not. Then again it will be one helluva night.

I leave the bathroom and see Stu waiting for me.

"Are you sure you're up for this?" he asks and I nod

"Definitely, She put my dad in jail so she's going to pay" I say as he has a twisted smile

"Good, I'm going to go put the costume on after more people leave" he says and I smile

"What do I do?" I ask

"Keep Randy company, after everyone leaves we will take him out" he says "Here" he says as he hands me a two small plastic baggies that are red

"What are these for" I ask

"It's fake blood" he says and I look at him confused

"Where do I put them?" I say

"Where ever it's noticeable, Billy will have three on him as well" he said then hands me tape

"Okay" I say as I take my flannel off and put one in my bra then tape it down, and the other on my side as I lift my shirt up revealing my stomach and tape it down as well.

I look back up to Stu with his jaw hanging.

"Sorry buddy, Billy's already claimed me" I said and he closes his mouth

"Okay" he says and we both walk out of the kitchen


We're all huddled up in the living room watching yet again another horror movie.

I'm the only girl in the room and they are all drunk.

Then the phone rings out of nowhere. Randy gets up and crawls over to the phone answering it.

"Hello-" Randy says "-Yeah-" he pauses "-Holy shit-" he says as he stands up "-No, hold-" he says as he drops his hand that the phone is in and turns to us "-Listen up, the found principle Himbry dead, he was gutted and hung from the goalpost on the football field"

Every one talks and get up as they leave Stu's house.

"Hey, hey, where are you guys goin'" Randy says as they leave, he plops back down on the couch and I look at him. "We were just getting to the good part

"I'm still here Randy" I say and he laughs

"Awe, thanks for staying behind Milah" he says and he continues to watch the movie

I hear a noise in the kitchen so I get up and check it out. I see Stu in the kitchen holding a knife, similar to the one that Billy had in his room.

"Stu, you know if someone were to come in here and see you with the knife that would ruin the entire game" I said and he laughed

"Randy's too wasted to come in here, Billy and Sidney are both upstairs probably finished" he said

"True, But what about that bitch Gale? And Deputy dumb ass" I said

"I have a spare costume and knife in the hall closet, You could deal with them outside" he said and I smirked

"Fuck yeah" I say

"I'll deal with Sidney you deal with Randy" he said and I smiled

"He always had a crush on both Sidney and I, but he also stalked me all last year" I said and he smirked

As I leave Stu I walk into the hall closet and to my eyes I see a shit ton of knives that are exactly the same that Stu had, I put the costume one and got a knife.

I waited a while before I left the closet. Then I heard screaming coming from outside.

I walk out of the closet and into the hallway hearing Randy talk to himself.

"Ah, watch out, watch out Jaime, you know he's around, y-you know, oh, oh there he is-" Randy says as I walk into the living room "-I told you, I told you he's right around the corner Jamie, Jamie, Jamie, look behind you, look behind you-" he continues as I walk behind him with the knife in my hand "-Turn around, behind you, oh turn the fuck, behind you-" he says as I raise my hands in the hair above my head clenching the knife "-Behind you Jaime, Jaime turn around, oh my-" I was about to stab him until I heard a scream for help outside

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