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Milah's POV

As I make my way into the school I see Sidney, Tatum, and Stu at their lockers, so I decide to walk up to them.

"This is a mistake I shouldn't be here" Sidney said and closed her locker

"It'll be fine Sidney" I say to her

"I want you to meet me here right after class, okay Sid" Tatum said as she took the lollipop out of her mouth

"Okay-" she muttered "-Hey I haven't seen Billy around, is he really pissed?"

"Oh, you mean after you branded him the candy man, no his heart's broken" Stu said and Tatum punched him "Ow" he muttered

"Stu" Tatum said after she hit him

"Ahhhhh" someone yelled down the hall, we all looked to see someone in the Ghost Face costume. As he ran over to us he went right in Sidney's face as she inhaled sharply and tensed up.

"Why are they doing this" Sidney said and looked at Stu and Tatum

"Are you kidding me look at this place it's like Christmas" Stu said

As Sidney walked passed me Tatum got in Stu's face.

"Stupidity leak" she said and hit his forehead with her lollipop

"Easy" he said and I stayed with Tatum and Stu

"Sidney" Tatum shouted as she kept walking

Sidney put her hand over her mouth to stop it from quivering and ran faster, until she bumped into someone, I ran to her to see Billy in front of her.

"Woah, ah" Billy said

"Jesus, shit" Sidney cursed

"It's just me" he said as she pulled back "Woah, Woah, Woah, Woah, you still think it's me"

"No, No I-I don't, it's just somebody was there, Billy someone-someone tried to kill me-" she said but Billy cut her off

"I know, I know, the cops said I scared 'em away-" he paused "-you know it wasn't me Sid"

"I know" she paused, "He called me again last night at Tatum's house" she said

"What?!" I said

"You see couldn't've been me, I was in jail, remember" he says as he puts his right hand up to show some ink on all of his fingers, then put it on the stairs

"I'm so- I'm sorry please understand" she said as she moved closer to him, that's when a wave of jealousy hit me

"Understand what-" he said as he moved closer to her, that got my blood boiling "-that I have a girlfriend that would rather accuse me of being a psychopathic killer then touch me" then Sidney moved back a little

"You know that's not true" she said

"Then what is it" he said

"What- is it, Billy I was attacked and nearly filleted last night" she said

"I mean between us, you haven't been the same since-" then there was another pause "-Since your mother died"

"Is your brain leaking my-my mom was killed I can't believe you're bringing this up" she said irritated

"I know, it's been a year" he said

"Tomorrow, one year tomorrow" she said hurt

"You know what, I think it's time you got over that, I mean when my mom left my dad I accepted it, it's just the way it is" he paused "she's not coming back"

"Your parents split up, this is not the same thing, your mom left town, she's not lying in a coffin somewhere" she said

"Okay, Okay, Okay, I'm sorry it's-its a bad analogy, it's just that-" he pauses "-I want my girlfriend back"

Then Sidney walked behind Billy towards the double doors on our left.

"Sid" he says

"No, I am sorry of my traumatized life has an inconvenience to you and your perfect existence" she says walking away on the brink of tears

"What, where are you- Nobody said that, Sid" he said but she ignored him as she ran into the girls bathroom.

"Way to go Billy" I said

"Stupid" he said to himself as she ran into the girls bathroom

"I want my girlfriend back? Really Billy?" I whispered

"Milah, that's-" he started but I cut him off

"No Billy, there is no excuses-" I pause "-You've made your choice, there's no changing your mind" I said and walked away

"Mia" he said as he pulled my arm so I was facing him

"I have, there's a reason as to why I said that" he said in my ear

"Then what is it Billy" I said with obvious anger and jealousy

"I'll tell you when you meet me at our childhood hiding out spot" he said

"Fine then" I said and he smiled

"But also I need to know if you're up for anything" he said

"If it's with you Billy Loomis, then yes, I will do anything with, and for you" I said and smiled

"Good, I'll see you there when they let school out" he said and hugs me

"Oh Billy Loomis, what will I ever do without you" I said as I hugged him back and he kissed my neck

"Probably be dead in a ditch somewhere" he said and I pulled back, his hands still on my waist "Joking" he said

"You better be" I said

As he let me go went to class

Minuets go by and the PA system comes on.

"I need your attention now kids, due to the recent events that have occurred, affective immediately all classes are suspended until further notice-" he says and the whole classroom erupts in cheers "The woodsboro police department has issued a city wide curfew beginning at nine o'clock tonight"

"Hell yeah!" one says

"Thank you Sidney Prescott" another says

"Awe man" the class nerd says and I laugh

Everyone walks out of the classroom and outside of the school to either go home, party, go to the video store, it just to have Fun.

I walk past Tatum and Sidney talking and towards mine and Billy's childhood hiding out spot

It takes me about thirty five minutes to make it to the spot from the school. Twenty if I was going from my house.

"Billy Loomis you make me crazy" I say as I smile

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