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Milah's POV

"Where are they, where are they" Billy whispers as Stu is in pain

"I don't know Billy, but I'm hurtin' man" Stu says coughing then the phone rings

Billy answers the phone and gets mad

"Bitch, you bitch where the fuck are you" Billy says

"Find 'em" Billy mouths

"Find them you dipshit, get up" Billy says and points the gun to Stu's head

"I can Billy you already cut me too deep I think I'm dying here man" Stu says and cries

"Talk to her, talk to her" Billy whispers to him

"Hello" Stu says

"Peer pressure, I'm far too sensitive-" Stu starts saying but Billy takes the phone from him

"-We'll rip you up you bitch just like your fucking mother" Billy says then throws the phone at Stu's head

"Ow, fuck you hit me with the phone dick" Stu says, blood flowing out of his mouth, then Billy goes on a rage and breaks the glass off of the counter

"Where are you" Billy says tearing the couch

"Did you really call the police" Stu said and started to cry

"My mom and dad are going to be so mad at me" he said

I look in the living room and hear Billy scream.

"Bitch!" he yells

I walk out of the kitchen and into the hallway he walks towards me but smirks and walks back towards the hall closet. He stands in front of the door and opens the door slightly with his gun and looks at the TV.

I see the costume with a green umbrella stabbing Billy in the chest twice.

They take the mask off revealing them to be Sidney.

I run towards her and she knocks me out with the umbrella.

Sidney's POV

After I knock Milah out I see Stu walk out of the kitchen in a rage, he runs toward me knocking us back into the living room

I get on top of him and knee him right in the crotch, then he slaps me. I run over towards the couch but feel a pair of arms around my back pushing me over the couch and into the coffee table.

"I always had a thing for ya Sid" he says as he holds both of my hands down with his.

I bite his right hand and he cries out in pain, when my hand is loose I grab the glass vase that was next to me and smashed it on his head.

He collapsed next to me and I got up standing next to the TV.

"Bitch" he whispers

"In your dreams" I said as I pushed the TV onto his face killing him by electrocution.

I walk over back to Billy and Milah realizing that I could have killed my sister.

I kneeled down above Billy's head and picked up the Ghost Face mask.

Then someone put their hand on my arm causing me to scream.

"Sorry, it's alright" they say as I look at them

"Oh my god Randy I thought you were dead" I said

"I probably should be, I never thought I'd ever be so happy to be a virgin" he says but cut off my a hand punching him in the face

In Love With A Psycho Killer ||• Billy Looms •||Where stories live. Discover now