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Milah's POV

I run into the hallway and into the closet taking the costume off and stabbing where the fake blood bags are and taking the bags out of my shirt making sure not to make it obvious.

I put some of the left over fake blood onto my skin, and my hands.

I put the knife in the waistband of my pants, making sure that it's hidden from plain sight.

I walk out of the hall closet and limp into the living room out of breath and Randy sees me.

"Oh shit Milah!" he yells as I collapsed on the floor

"Randy" I say with a raspy voice

"Shit, shit, shit, I'm gonna get you some help" he said and ran out

I hear someone walk into the house, I realize that it's dewy so I keep the act up.

He makes his way through the bottom of the house until he reaches the living room.

"Dewy" I say raspy and he rushes to me

"Milah!" he says as he comes over to me "What happened"

"The killer-" I pause and act like I'm in pain "-He's here" I finish and he looks all around

"Shit" he says as he puts pressure on my 'Wounds' "What?" he says as he removes his hands and sees no blood coming out

"Behind you" I say and he turns, I swiftly take the knife out and stab him in the back

I stand up and walk towards the front door behind dewy, I see Stu in the costume making his way towards dewy, as he opens the door, I make sure not to stand too close to the door to make sure that I don't get caught.

"Sidney" Dewy says in disbelief

"Dewy" I hear Sidney yell as Stu walks out of the house

I lie down as if I was just stabbed and I made sure that my breathing slowed down so that it was like I was actually dying

I hear someone running up the stairs and then someone yell Sidney's name.

"Sidney, Jesus, we've got to get the fuck outta here" I heard them say, realizing that it's Randy

"Stop right there" I hear Sidney say as she loaded Dewy's gun, that's when I saw the knife come flying towards me, it stoped inches away from my face

"Don't shoot it's me, I found Milah dead, I think Stu did it" Randy said

"Don't listen to him Sidney" I hear Stu say

"Stay back" Sidney says with fear

"He killed Billy, he killed my friend" Stu said

"You did" Randy said

Stu started saying something but it was covered up by his sobs

"No I didn't you're lying" Randy said as I here someone being pulled off the stairs

"Sidney, baby, please give me the gun, give me that gun, please he killed Billy" Stu said while sobbing

"No I didn't, no I didn't Sid he did it, he did it Sidney, please I didn't do anything, please, please Sidney" I heard Randy say

"Fuck you both" Sidney says as she shuts the door

"Sidney, open up, everyone's gone crazy" Randy says as both he and Stu bang on the door.

"Go away" Sidney yells

"Sidney" I say low but audible

"Oh god Milah" she says as she runs over to me

"What happened" she asked if it wasn't obvious

"The killer, he-he tried to kill me" I say as I talk faint and raspy

"It's going to be alright" she says as I start to slow my breathing down "Milah, no don't die on me" she says and I take one last breath and stop breathing

"No, no, no, Milah no" she says in tears

That's when we hear groaning coming from the top floor of the starts

"Sid" I hear

"Billy" she whispers and he stumbles down the stairs and she starts to cry

"Are you okay" she whispers, "Get up"

"We've gotta get help" Sidney said

As soon as she helped Billy up, he asked for the gun, "Give me the gun" she hesitated at first bit gave him the gun

He opened the door and let Randy in, "Thank you, thank you so much, we can let Stu in, he's mad"

Next thing I know, there was a gun shot, and then a body hitting the ground.

"What all go a little mad sometimes–" Billy said as Sidney ran to Randy, "Anthony Perkins, psycho"

I heard Sidney make a couple of weird noises and then run to the entrance to the kitchen, but was stopped by Stu.

"Stu... Stu we gotta get out of here" she said

He looked down at her and took the voice changer outbid her pocket.

"Surprise Sidney" Stu said

She let out a sad noise and ran to the kitchen, Billy close behind her, as soon as they went into the kitchen I let out a sigh.

I sat up as they began to fuck with her, I got the knife and put it under my armpit, making it look like I was stabbed.

I stumbled to the kitchen and looked her in the eyes, I looked like I was in pain.

"S-Sid" I said shakily, she was crying, as she did, I slowly began to smirk

I took the knife out from under my armpit and waved it around.

"You're so gullible" I said, her eyes widened, "What, didn't think that your second best friend could do all this, well guess again"

"Why... Why are you three doing this" she said, tears fell down her face.

"Ah-Ah-Ah, no questions, not just yet" Stu said

"How does it feel Sid, knowing that your best friend, boyfriend, and his best friend are the ones who caused tonight's tragedy" I said, a smile on my face

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