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Milah's POV

"What do you mean that Billy tried to kill Sidney?!" I said in both shock and anger

"That psycho killer was at Sidney's house and tried to kill her, then all of a sudden Billy was at Sidney's house trying to 'Calm her down' when in reality he was the psycho killer who tried to kill her" Tatum said

Billy tried to kill Sidney.

That was the only thing on my mind, why would he tell me that he'd handle her, then try and kill her that night. That makes no sense, who would kill their own girlfriend, or soon to be ex-girlfriend.

"I just can't believe that Tatum" I said

"I know, I can't believe that either but I always knew that he had a side to him that no one knew about" she said and I nodded, how could the man that I love be a killer.

As we pulled into the police station I see multiple News vans in front of the station.

We got out and went inside of the station and waited. I see Sidney looking away from Billy as he's being taken into a room.

"Tell 'em, come on dad, tell 'em" Billy said to his father "Sidney, Sidney come on, you know me, Sidney look at me, come on" he said as he was taken into the back room as Tatum and I walked into the 'Lobby'

"Sid, I'm gonna get you out of here okay" Tatum said to Sidney as she started to cry "You're okay"

"Everything will be fine Sidney, I promise" I said

I heard Dewy and Sheriff Burke talking about a costume that Billy supposedly wore, and about how they were pulling Billy's phone records, also how they wouldn't find anything out till the morning.

"Ugh, come on" Tatum said as she got up from Sidney's side and next to me

"You think he did it" Dewy said to Sheriff Burke

"Twenty years ago I woulda said not a chance, but these kids today, damned if I know" Sheriff Burke said

"Hey Dewy, can we go now" Tatum said anxious and I looked into the room that Billy was taken into thinking of how much it hurt to see him do this to her.

"Hold on a second" Dewy said and looked back at Sheriff Burke

"God dammit Dewy" Tatum said with a hint of anger

"What did mama tell you, when I wear this badge you treat me like a man of the law" Dewy said

"I'm sorry deputy Dewy boy, but we're ready to go, now okay" Tatum said with anger as she picked her purse up

"Wow" a random officer said which was followed with laughs

"Uh, take them out the back way to avoid that circus out there" Sheriff Burke said

"Come on" Dewy said softly grabbing her arm

"Don't touch me" Tatum said and jerked her arm out of his hand as we started to walk out

"He's my superior" Dewy said

"Janitors are your superior" Tatum said as we left and I started to laugh

As we were walking out of the 'Lobby' I noticed that the holding interrogation rooms were on the way to the back.

I see Billy in one of the rooms by himself. And at the door was my cousin Bryan, we're close, he's like my brother

"Hey, I'm going to stay back, my cousin is off duty so I'm gonna see him" I said and the nodded

"Are you sure? I mean we could take you to your house" Tatum said and I shook my head

"No it's fine, but I'll catch up with you two at school tomorrow" I said and they left.

I walk to Bryan and hug him, "Hey B" I say and he smiles

"Hey Mia" he says and hugs me back, I looked at him and I guess that he knew what I wanted "Just for five minutes" I smiled as he turned the volume on the speaker off and let me in

"Milah?" Billy asks with sadness and confusion

"Why Billy, why would you try and kill Sidney" I said on the brink of tears

"Mia, I didn't, you've got to believe me" he said and I looked at him with anger

"You tried to kill her, and you scared me when I went to your house" I said and he looked confused

"Scared you at my house?" he asked

"So you deny walking out of your bathroom in the Costume with a knife, and Attempted murder" I said and he shot me an apologetic look

"I don't know what you mean Mia" he said and looked down

"Actions speak louder than words Billy, and your actions are beginning to look an awful lot like hiding the fact that the man I love is a deranged killer!" I said and his head shot up, he looked at me with both happiness and confusion

"You... You love me" he says with a smile

"Yes Billy I love you, I fucking love you!" I said and walked to him

"What made you decide to tell me now" he says

"Because it hurt me seeing you like this, chained to a chair, and nearly locked up" I said crying "It hurt me to see you with someone that is not me, to see you hurting, hurts me more than anything"

"Milah, I love you too" he said and we locked eyes for the second time today

That's when I went in for the kiss, his lips felt chapped yet soft. This is the mad man who I want to be with.

"Tomorrow meet me at our old meet up spot, After school" he whispered into my ear and I nodded I walked over back to the door and take one last look at Billy

"Billy Loomis, what did I ever do to deserve you" I said as he smiled.

I knocked on the door and left, not without thanking Bryan.

"Thanks B" I said and hugged him

"You're welcome Mia" he said and hugged me back

"Are you going back to your house, or do you want to crash at my place" he asks and I nod

"I'm fine I'll go home, but we will have our sleepover sometime. I promise" I said and left

As I walked home I could help but feel scared, not just for me but for Sidney. She's dating a killer, and I'm in love with a killer.

In Love With A Psycho Killer ||• Billy Looms •||Where stories live. Discover now