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Milah's POV

"What would your motive for tonight Be?" Billy asks me as we look in the horror section.

Let's see how long it takes for him to believe something that never happened.

"Well, my parents didn't abandon me" I say and he looks at me confused "In a way they did but it wasn't by choice"

"What happened" he asks

"You See, Both Sidney Prescott and Gale Weathers had a part to play in their death-" I start "-Sidneys dad was at the bar one late night, the same night that my parents and I were coming home from a ski trip, when our light turned green, her dads light went red, so he ran right into the drivers side where my dad was, killing him first, but after he hit us the car flipped so many times tossing me and my mom around-" I say holding tears in "-When the ambulance came they were surprised that I lived, but my mom died in the hospital, Regina was at my aunts house for the weekend, she was only three years old at the time, and I was six. So we had to live with my aunt"

"What about Gale?" he asks

"Ah, that bitch blamed my parents, she blamed my father for being drunk and driving, she blames them for being drunk with a six year old in the car" I said with anger

He hugged me and I can't believe he took my lie.

"They wouldn't want you to dwell on the past" he says and I smile

"Since when have you been so religious" I say and we laugh

"I don't know, it sounded some what non religious in my head but since I said it, it kinda does" he said and half smiled

"What time are you going go Stu's party?" I asked him

"Not until almost everyone leaves" he says and frowns

"But?" I said and he looked at me

"I have to have sex with her, it's all apart of the game" he said

"You have to have sex... With Sidney... Because it's apart of the game?" I asked

"Yes, and just so you know, it won't mean anything to me" he says and I look down

"Then why do it" I say as we walk out of the video store

"It's all apart of the rules, you know like a scary movie" he said

"Oh and those rules involve having sex" I say in a joking manner but he stops as I kept walking "Are you serious Billy" I say turning around

"Yes, There are three important rules in order to survive a horror movie, Rule number one, having sex with someone is a straight shot to death it's a sin factor-" he says and I look at him "-when I have sex with her she will no longer be a virgin, so I have no choice but to kill her-" he says and I nod "-Rule number two, Don't drink or do drugs, like rule number one it's also a sin factor-" he continues

"There will be drunk people all around the house, no matter who it will be, someone drunk will die" I say

"-Rule number three never ever say 'I'll be Right back' it might mean that you're the killer-" he says

"So one of us will say we'll be back when in reality were just going to kill someone" I said and he nodded

"But there's a bonus rule, there must be a sequel, and it has to be bigger and bloodier" he says and I frown

"So there's a fifty percent chance that we will survive, and create the sequel" I say and he smiled

"See, you're meant to be a killer" he said and I smirked

"You know what, I agree with you" I said and smiled

"Let's get to my place and start planning out what we're going to do" he says as he puts his arm around my shoulder and we walk to his house


"So you want me to go with Sidney and Tatum to the party?" I said and Billy nodded

"Yeah, call Tatum and tell her to pick you up, we wouldn't want them to think something fishy is going on" he said as he pulled me into him and kissed my neck

"Okay Billy" I said and he kissed me rough and passionate

"I'll see you at the party" he said and I blushed

"Alright Billy, I'll see you at the party" I said and we kissed one final time before I left his house to mine.

When I was at my house I literally ran into my sister Regina.

"Shit, Regina I'm sorry I didn't see you" I said

"It's fine" she said "Are you going to that big party tonight?"

"Yes and you're not going" I said and she frowned

"Why not?" she protested

"Because it's for seniors only" I said and she rolled her eyes

"Then why did Tatum's boyfriend invite me" she said.

Stu invited her to our killer party! He knows that she's my sister! He knows that she's too young.

"You're not going at that's final!" I say as she storms off into the living room

I run up to my room and look through my clothes.

I throw on a pair of black jeans, a white tank top, my favorite red flannel, and my white converse.

I look at myself in my body mirror and can't help but smile, why, out of all people, would Billy Loomis choose me.

My mind races as I see Billy take his shirt off, I can't help but gawk at how amazing he looks.

My thoughts are interrupted by my phone ringing.

"Hello?" I answer

'Hey Milah, do you want me to pick you up, so you could go to the party with us?' I realize that it's Tatum

"Yeah, I'm already dressed and all, just honk when you're here"

'Duh, I do that all the time'

"That's true, see you when you get here" I said and hung up

I walked into the living room and saw Regina sitting on the couch with her pajamas on and popcorn in her lap.

I look at the TV and see her watching Halloween. I sneak up right behind her and wait until Michael pops up.

And when he does I scream and she jumps spilling the popcorn everywhere.

"Jesus Christ Milah!" she yelled and I just laughed

"Scared ya, didn't I " I said and she just lied on the ground laughing

"Yes you did, now please leave before I get pay back on you" she said

And seconds later I heard that familiar honk outside.

"Ah, saved by the bell" I said as I started walking the door

"I want to go see dad tomorrow" she said and I stopped dead in my tracks

"He told us he didn't want us to see him like that" I said and turned around

"I know, but I really miss him, plus we haven't visited him in at least three months" she said

"I'll think about it, okay" I said and she nodded "But right now I don't want to piss Tatum off"

"Okay, you can go" she said and hugged me, then I left

In Love With A Psycho Killer ||• Billy Looms •||Where stories live. Discover now