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Milah's POV

"Total abandonment caused a serious deviant behavior, certainly fucked you up and made you have sex with a psychopath" Billy said

"That's right, you gave it up, now you're no longer a virgin" Stu said

Billey pulled Sidney into him and Stu pulled the gun on her

"Now you gotta die, those are the rules" Stu said

"Just pretend it's all a scary movie Sid, how do you think it's gonna end" Billy said while he was stroking her hair. He waived the knife towards the basement door and Stu freaked out

"Oh, Oh, things the greatest part, you're gonna love this we gotta surprise for you Sidney, oh yeah you're gonna love this one, it's a scream baby, hold on a sec, I'll be right back" Stu says as he leaves the room

"Go on Milah, tell Sidney your motive in all this" Billy said and I smiled

"Well Sid, not a lot of people know this but-" I started at I took my knife and put it near her throat "-You sent my dad to prison, for a crime that he didn't commit" I say, both Billy and Sidney looked confused

"What are you talking about" she said and I laughed

"Oh you don't know what I'm talking about, well you do but you don't want to believe it" I said and Billy looked at me confused

"You See Sidney, Cotton Weary is my dad" I said and her face turned pale, but Billy's was still confused

"Milah, I'm sorry I-" she started but I cut her off

"There's no sorry about it! You sent an innocent man to jail! You sent my father to jail!" I yelled I pulled some papers out of my back pocket and threw them on the kitchen Island

"What's that?" Billy asks

"These are DNA tests Billy, the same DNA tests that I ran on your mother Sidney, or shall I say our mother" I said with anger and disbelief

"W-What" she stutters

"You Sidney are my fraternal twin sister, both of the male sperms are different your dad is your dad, and Cotton Weary is mine" I said and stabbed the papers

"Mia, how-" she said

"How what, how are you sisters with a psychopath, or how your mother fucked two guys the same day" I said and she broke out into tears I see Billy look at the clock above the stove and smile

"You know what time it is, it's after midnight, it's your moms anniversary, congratulations we killer her exactly one year ago today" Billy said as she kept her eyes on me

"Attention, oh, what do we have behind door number three Sidney" Stu says as we all look at them

"Daddy" Sidney says as she tries to go to her dad

"Woah" Billy says as he pulled her back "Hold it, that's enough"

"Awe the poor girl wants her daddy" I said and laughed "well too bad" I yelled

"Guess we won't be needing this anymore, aha, and oh look at this, ring ring, we won't need this" Stu said as he put both the phone and the voice changer in Sidney's fathers shirt pockets

"Got the ending figured out yet Sid" Billy says

"C'mon Sidney, you think about it now, huh, your daddy's the chief suspect, we cloned his cellular have it installed right there baby" Stu says as she pushes her dad on the floor

"What if your father snapped, your mothers anniversary set him off and he went on a murder spree killing everyone" Billy said

"Except for Milah, Billy and I, we were left for dead" Stu says

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