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               Chapter 19; Coming out

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               Chapter 19; Coming out


"What's the problem?" Auston rushed into Stacy and Steph's apartment.

"We're sick" Stacy softly said as her and Mitch look dead on the couch.

"Where's Steph?" Auston asked not wanting to take care of the two.

"She broke her foot and is at the hospital" Mitch said before coughing.

"She broke her foot? How?" Auston took a seat across from them.

"She kicked it against the wall" Stacy said as she grabbed the nearest trash can and puked in it.

"I guess i'm forced to take care of the two" Auston got up and started to prepare chicken noodle soup.

"Mitch pass the remote" Mitch passed Stacy the remote.

"Here's some soup for the two of you" Auston said placing the tray of soup between the two.

"So Auston how's life going for you?" Stacy asked since it's been a while since they caught up with each other.

"Pretty normal" Auston responded.

"So did you ask that girl out yet?" Stacy asked as Auston all of a sudden got nervous.

"Auston are you okay?? You're sweating" Mitch noticed the sweat dripping off of Auston's face.

"Auston is something wrong?" Stacy started to get concerned.

"Um we should watch a movie" Auston quickly changed the topic.

Stacy grabbed the remote out of his hands.

"Auston" Stacy stared at him.

"Okay I have a confession to make" Auston said.

"I didn't ask out a girl" Auston said as Stacy and Mitch looked confused.

"But you did ask someone out, right?" Stacy asked as Auston nodded nervously.

"Auston are you?" Before Stacy could finish her question Auston said yes.

"Are you mad at me?" Auston asked.

"Dude that's incredible, we support you 100%" Mitch said as he and Stacy managed to stand up and hug him.

"Auston we are both proud of you" Stacy said.

"Thank you guys, I love you" Auston was happy to have friends that respect his decision.

"Okay get off me now! I don't want to get sick" Auston pushed the two off of him.

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