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             Chapter 31; The dinner

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             Chapter 31; The dinner


"Wear this earpiece and just say every word I say to you" Stacy told Alex as they pulled up at the restaurant.

"Please act cool" Mitch told Alex. Only Stacy and Mitch were able to come along with Alex and help her.

"We will be sitting a few tables behind you guys" Stacy said as they all walked out the car.

"Good luck" Mitch said as Alex walked into the restaurant.

Alex looked around to find Janice and William.

"Alex!" Janice's annoying voice called out. "Glad to see you could make it!"

"Thanks for inviting me" Alex was forced to give Janice a hug "Hey Will"

William didn't care that Alex came along. He was suspicious about her considering she is Auston's sister and he is still angry about what happened in Cancun.

Stacy and Mitch slowly walked in and sat down at a table. Stacy slowly got her phone out and connected it to Alex's earpiece.

"Alex if you can hear me tap on the table 3 times" Stacy said.

Alex tapped on the table 3 times without Janice and William noticing.

"So Alex how are you liking Toronto?" Janice asked Alex as their food got to the table.

"Say that it's been lovely especially since i've hung out with you" Stacy said as her and Mitch also ate their food which came quickly.

"Toronto has been good so far. I just want to say thanks for making this trip better" Alex said to Janice.

"Aw Alex you're sweet" Janice said as William sat there not convinced that she didn't come here alone.

"So why exactly did you agree to come here?? Did Auston put you up to this? Are you helping Stacy too?" William asked as Alex choked a little.

"Alex don't panic" Stacy said as Mitch grabbed the phone out of her hands.

"Say that you thought Janice was a nice person and wanted to get to know her better so oh agreed to this. Tell him no Auston didn't send you here and say that you aren't interested in the slut" Mitch said as Stacy grabbed the phone back and slapped Mitch on the head.

Alex said exactly what Mitch told her to say. Will just nodded and continued to eat. He was still not convinced but decided not to ask a lot of questions.

"Wheres Auston?"Janice asked Alex.

"He's at t- AHHH!!" Stacy was about to answer for Alex but saw a spider in front of her

"AHHH!" Alex copied what Stacy said.

Alex realized what she did and quickly recovered after Janice and William gave her looks.

"AHHHaving fun!! Auston is having fun on his date right now" Alex said making Janice and Will fall for it. Alex patted herself after she gave a convincing answer.

"Stacy you almost ruined the mission" Mitch said as the spider started to crawl towards him. "AHH Stacy help!"

"And i'm the scaredy cat?" Stacy said as Mitch used her as a shield.

The rest of the night went smoothly. Janice and Alex got to know each other.

Janice and William dropped Alex off at the hotel where she was staying.

"Thanks for coming" Janice and William got out the car to say bye to her. Janice gave her a hug first.

"Yeah thanks for coming" William gave Alex a hug "Oh and tell Stacy and Mitch that I say hi. They are always welcome to spy on us" Will whispered in Alex's ear before sending her a wink.

Janice and William got back in the car and drove away leaving Alex there confused on how Will knew Stacy and Mitch were there.

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