|Shot 54| • Rocks • |Stenbrough|

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MY FLOW IS BACK! I finally have ideas for all of my books so I won't leave you waiting days for an update, I'm a happy boi ~Jae👑

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"R-Richie, are you sh-sh-sure this path is s-safe?" I queried Richie as I pushed a branch away from my face.

"Yeah," he chuckled dryly, "it's completely safe, right Eddie Spaghetti?"

He grabbed Eddie in a headlock and rubbed his knuckles in his hair.

"C-Cut it out, Rich!" he giggled, and Richie laughed as Eddie pushed him off.

I glanced at Stan with a goofy smile and we rolled our eyes at them. He shook his head and laughed with me as we climbed the cliff.

To entertain ourselves, the four of us decided to climb the Quarry cliff for a little hike. I didn't mind, but Stan and Eddie had warned of sharp rocks and prickers along the path. Questioning Richie on how safe the path is was more for Stan's sake than my own.

I don't want him getting hurt.


We made it a little past halfway up the cliff when we stopped to take a breath. I sat beside Stan on a log and watched the sun slowly begin to set.

"Beautiful, isn't it, Bill?" Stan said with a smile.

"Mhm" I hummed in agreement.

His eyes were fixated on the sun melting into the sparkling green water below, but my eyes were glued to Stan.

"Really beautiful" I smiled at him.

He turned to face me then and gave me a shy grin as my smile grew wider. With crimson cheeks, I leaned into him as he mirrored my actions.

But before I could close the gap, Richie grabbed my shoulders from behind.

"C'mon, sénior! Time to climb!" he said obnoxiously in his Spanish impression. "Unless you're too busy fucking Stan The Man!"

"Beep Beep, Richie" Stan groaned, and stood up from the log.

I sighed as I ran a hand through my hair and stood up, following Stan. Occasionally our hands would brush each other and we'd share a shy glance or smile, but it never progressed further.

And my God, was it hard to resist cupping his handsome face in my hands and kissing him right there. I wanted to run my fingers through his soft golden-brown curls. The tension was killing me.

"Hey, St-Stan?" I said bluntly.

"Yeah?" he answered gently.

"C-Can I tuh-tuh-tuh-"

Shit I cursed at myself. Goddamn stutter.

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