Chapter 11 [Getting Home]

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I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting them to the bright sun that was flooding the room. Kyle was staring at me with a smirk on his face and Alex was still fast asleep as was Sam.

"Now how did you end up there Dan?" Kyle laughed silently still smirking. I turned red and laughed a little before looking at Sam whose head was resting on my chest. I gently began to stroke her shoulder with my thumb as I returned my eyes to Kyle.

"She asked it wasn't me. Though I know I slept better than you considering you're still sitting up like that since last night." Kyle's smirk turned to a scowl as he fidgeted on the sofa slightly, looking in some discomfort. The door slowly opened and the doctor walked in, glancing at the chart at the bottom of the bed then at the one in his hand.

"When she wakes up I've cleared her to leave. However I want plenty of bed rest and no strenous activites understand?" The doctor's face became very serious as he looked at me then Kyle before looking at Alex who had woken up to the sound of the man's voice. Alex nodded before standing and stretching.

"Thank you Doctor. I'll be out to fill out the forms in a moment. Let me just get myself together." With that the doctor took his leave and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. Sam stired in my arms, slowly opening her eyes and smiling at me. Hearing Alex clear her throat, "Kyle come with me please?" Kyle groaned and followed along without protest.

"Hello are you feeling? Alex is going to fill out the papers then we'll get you home and the doctor commanded bed rest." I smiled and kissed her forehead as she wrapped an arm around my torso and groaned.

"Are you coming with us? Back to my flat?"

"Of course now come on love lets get you up and ready" Carefully I got off the bed before looking over at her as she sat up and grabbed the clothes off the chair. She slowly walked to the bathroom as I sat there for a moment. Alex had brought her tight blue skinny jeans and a Bastille hoodie. Even in such a state she looked gorgeous. I walked over to her and carefully hugged her, feeling her head rest against my chest and arms wrap around my torso. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you."

"Dan I'm safe now don't worry." Slowly I let her out of the hug and looked at her face as she smiled. I got lost in her eyes as I stroked her cheek. My eyes lowered to look at her pink lips before I gave in. I couldn't wait any longer. I raised her chin and pressed my lips softly to hers for a few moments then moved back a little to see her reaction. She bit her lip and smiled before letting out a soft laugh and taking my hand. "I've been wanting to do that since I met you. Now if you don't mind I really want to head home. With you." Before I could nod or get out a word she honoured me with another kiss then smiled. I returned the gesture then guided her out to the hall with my hand on her back as she walked.


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