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Okay I am very sorry for not updating in awhile. (Blocks face from on coming flying veggies.) But I have a good reason. Writters block and I have rewritten this chapter like 3 times and it has deleted every time.

And I have decided to change Briggets name to Brittney.



Clarys POV***




"Mom?" I whisper.

  The red head runs to me, crushing me in a huge bear hug. I couldn’t resist but hug her back. I never told my mom when and why I left. After he broke my heart into tiny little pieces, I just had to get away. My mom and I hugged it out for like five minutes. She then started right up with the questions. And oh boy, i do not believe i was ready at all.

   “Where in the Angels name have you been? Why did you leave? Oh my how you have grown. Why didn’t you tell me you were leaving?” And she just goes on, and on. I couldn’t help but smile at her. I missed her so much. I hope i didn't put her and Luke through too much. I would hate myself if i had.

  I really didn’t want to tell my mom about Jace but I knew I had to. I was going to tell her everything, until I heard someone clear there throat. I had completely forgotten about my friends for the few minutes i had been with my mother. My mom looks over my shoulder and she looks from Amy, to Nate, and her eyes widened when she sees Chris.

  “Now who do we have here? Friends, perhaps a boyfriend?”My mom asks, wiggling her eyebrows, with her eyes never faltering from Chris. I can see the uneasiness coming from him as my mom’s gaze never leaves him. I sigh.

I smile turning to Amy. “This is Amy, my parabatai. The one next to her is Nate. He is one of the 3 greatest things that have ever happened to me, and he is a total pain in the ass, but I can handle him.” I smirk and stick my tongue out at him. He does the same to me. We both laugh at our immaturity, then i turn to face my best friend.

“This is my ass hat, recently came out of the closet , best friend, more of a brother, Chris. And no mom, no boyfriend.” I see a little disappointment in her eyes when i mention the whole gay part.   Chris sends me a warm smile for clearing that whole mess up. “Ok now that we have the intro's done, let’s head to the training room. Almost everyone should be gone by now, let’s go. I need to let off some steam and explain somethings to my mother. "

   They all nod and we head. Turns out that i was correct, no everyone has left the training room. Perfect.

   Oh this is going to be so much fun.

Jace’s POV***



   Clary leaves Brittney on the floor whining, and walks over to her friends. They mutter things back and forth then they leave and so does everyone else, Leaving me with a bleeding and bitching Brittney.

  I sigh knowing if I don’t help her ill have to hear her bitching later too as well. Why am I still with her? I don’t even know the answer myself. If you were wondering that is.

I put about 3 iratzes on her arm and her whimpers start to slowly  die down.

“Hey Jacy?” Brittney asks me once it seems she has practically fully recovered. I really wasn’t paying attention to her at all anyways because I was really trying to figure a way out to get Clary back.

“Hmmm?” I ask still not paying attention to a word she has to say.

   Brittney grabs my face and tries to put on a seductive smile on her face as runs a hand all over my body. Great, now i have this situation to deal with. Lovely.

   “Do you want to have some fun?” Yep, Clary was right, she is a slut. I really need to kick her to the curb. Okay. Here goes nothing. I suck in a big breath and try and say it as confidently as I possibly can.

“Brittney I think-“ but I’m cut off by the doors opening and a smiling Clary walking in with her friends and her mom. Oh, I’m so unbelievably dead. Like my grave has already been dug for me and everything. Its my time.

   “Wow, I didn’t know you even knew how to think. Let alone have a decent thought on your mind beside sex, or kill as many things as possible. Huh, who knew?” She is smiling, while I stand there speech less, cause I'm not about to back sass her in front of her extremely scary mother.  Her mom is standing there looking confused out of her god damn mind. Her mom is going to kill me, she might even beat clary to draw actually.

“Um Clary? I believe I may have asked this earlier, but you never answered me. So why did you leave for three years without even telling me or anything?” Her mom asks in a very serious tone as she looks from Clary to me with Brittney draped all over me.

  “This should be very interesting. Anyone want a bag of popcorn for the show” I hear one of her friends say with an evil grin on their face as they all snicker to themselves.

This is how i die, at the hands of the woman i love, and her mother. Plus her mother was also part of the Clave so she must know A LOT of ways to hurt me. A LOT! This is really not how I wanted to go out and down, but looking at the situation at the moment. I see no outcome where i get to live past this.



Hey everyone again so sorry about not updating.



Do whatever.

To Love Is To Destroy. (The Mortal Insterments Fan-fic)( Slow Updates)Where stories live. Discover now