Follow the rules

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Clary's POV*****

  Once i woke up from my mostly peaceful sleep, i get up and get dressed in some spandex shorts and tank top. Once I've brushed my teeth and hair, i make my hair into a ponytail and I walk to  the Training room to destroy a couple dummies. When i get there I see Alec, Izzy, Nate, Chris, Amy, Jaces toy, and the asswipe himself. All in there staring at my appearance.

" You all enjoying the view or...." My voice trails off when a smile crosses Nates lips. He is always giving me looks like this. I'm starting to think he really is enjoying the view. Not that i blame him, i mean have you seen me? I be hot af! I wont denied it! I'm pretty confident in my body, thank you very much. Plus Nates not too bad on the eyes himself.

"You know it." He says jokingly, at least i think he is. I smirk at him and give him a playful wink.  I turn, just observing my surroundings, its become a habit  of mine, I look around to see Jaces... Pet... 'Trying' to make a move on Chris. At this I almost burst out laughing.

  " Hey s!ut.' I say calling out to the leach that cant seem too detach herself from Chris. Chris gives me a smile when the chick turns to me. Gosh when does this girl give up, and why on earth does Jace keep her around? She obviously cheats on him right under his nose, but hey! Cheaters were meant to be together i guess..

"Are you talking to me?" She asked in a really annoying high pitched voice. I look around the room. Looking for any f#cks to give, and anyone else I'd be talking too.

  "I don't see any others here that would go by that name now do I?" I asked slowly walking towards her. All eyes on me, great.

  "Better keep looking around a little more. I think I have one standing in front of me." She says with confidence, thinking she is going to win this. Like he!l she is!

"Honey, I am not your mirror, plus have you looked in it lately? Have you said your motivational speech everytime? I am a s!ut. I move from bed  to bed.... Well i wouldn't know the rest, now would i? Only you would know that." I say pulling out a blade and moving it in between my fingers. A nasty habit that when i first started i got so many cuts on my hands, i still have the scars.

"You're the s!ut." She says through grunted teeth. Again, her comebacks are sh!t.

  "At least I wasn't the one born on the side of the highway. You know, cause that is where most accidents happen." I say as i kind of circle around her as if she was my prey.

   "You b!tch." She says getting frustrated because she has no idea what to say back to me. Wow! Lets just say, her comebacks stink worse then Chris's bathroom after Taco Tuesday.

  "Hey, hey, lets calm down nos, at least my birth certificate wasn't a sorry letter from the condom factory." I say holding my hands up in surrender, a smirk playing at my lips. God, i love screwing with people. Its a talent, it truly is.

   "You stupid slut, I hate you." Well the feelings are mutual honey...

" You know, it is kinda sad seeing you trying to use your whole vocabulary in one sentence. And plus the feeling is mutual sweety. " I say going back to playing with my knife. The metal every so often catches so shining sun light coming from the windows.

"You s!ut." I sigh, getting really frustrated with her useless comebacks, its like fighting with a wall. And ill tell you now. The wall would have better comebacks.

" You know, I could eat alphabet soup and shit out better a comebacks than that." i say throwing the blade at a random target. Hitting a bulls eye. I smirk. I awesome, i know, you don't need to tell me.

She wines. "Jacy, aren't you going to do something?" He shrugged. Ha! Damn straight! Bitch has learned his lesson!

"You brought this on your self." He says unmoving. D@mn straight she did! Dont flirt with my best friend!

  That's when i advanced on her. My blade goes straight to her neck. "Now the only reson I let you get away with your usless rant that consisted of three reapeting words is because messing with you is fun." I pause for a minute and think."But I do tend to keep my promises. And you were told to not talk or try to engage with any of us, unless you had a death wish so..." I trail off as I plunge the knife into her arm. Keeping my earlier promise alive.

   She screams out in pain like a kid, and i take complete satisfaction in her pain.  I let out what Nate calles my evil laugh. That is when i remember everyone is still here. I smile. As i pull out the blade from her arm. Satisfaction is written  all over my face as i clean off the knife.

" Follow my rules and no one gets hurt." I say walking away swaying my hips in the process.I walk up to Amy and link arms with her. Nate and Chris follow. We are like some gang, but you know, way cooler.

  Nate leans over and whispers in my ear. "You sly fox." He says giving me a smile. That i great fully respond with playfully hitting his arm.

" I know." i say skipping down the hall like a toddler. We are just passing the big doors of the Institute when they fly open revealing a small red head with a desperate look on her face.

"Mom?" I whisper.

A/N: Ok so I havent been doing so much talking.

So. How is everyone?

How do you think I'm doing?

And a big shout out to @Clarissa_FairChild_. Thank you for all the comments and everything. I really appriciate it.

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