The Plan

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Clary's POV*****






    Okay I have a rune, but i don't have a stele or the capability to use my body. So, I think I may be majorly screwed. I mean come on! I just found my ticket out and I have no Idea of how I will get to use it. It just makes me want to scream.

' GOD DAMN IT!!!' Good now I hope I gave the demon controlling me a head ache, but it deserves a shit ton worst. You know, like my blade threw there skull when I get them out of me.

I am starting to get even more pissed off because Sebastion is all touchy and grabbing, if I had the ability I would throw up every time he touched me.

Right now the body stealing bitch is asleep so I'm in a dark abyss of nothingness. Sounds fantastic right? Wrong! In moments like these I start to think. WWDWD? (What Would Dean Winchester Do?) if I was him I would already have my body back, killed the demon, and done it all in under 48 hours, just to get back to monster hunting with my little bro Sam.

   There's a quiet knock on the door, the body stealing bitch slowly opens her eyes. I look up too see white hair gleaming in the moon light ,Sebastion is slowly making his way over to us. Oh God, he looks like a creepy stalker.

"Clarissa?" He quietly whispers as he creeps closer. I swear he is the creepiest person alive, I think he may have won the award for creepiest thing alive.

"Huh?" She uses my mouth to ask tiredly. My God! Make it stop. Make it stop.

"Tomorrow, Clary will get her body back. She will not remember anything." So he doesn't know I can see and here everything. Best news I have had since I found out that Lucinda and James were expecting. (A/N: If you don't remember Lucinda and James are Nate, Chris and Amy's parents.) "So I'm going to leave the Mortal Cup on your dresser so she will think it is water. Once she drinks the 'water' you will have full control again." Sebastion explains as he sets the cup on the nightstand. Idiot. I'm going to get out of here. IM GOING TO GET OUT OF HERE!!!!! FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!

Okay, the plan. Step one, Don't drink from the Cup. Step two, get dressed in comfy clothes. Step three, act like the fake Clary. Step four, convince Sebastion to give me a stele. Step five, use new rune. Step six, kill demon, body stealing bitch. Step seven, use rune on Sebastion. Step eight, maul and decapitate the demon that has been controlling my brother for his whole life. Step nine, Fuck shit up. Step ten, walk out like a BOSS.

Okay time to get rest for the plan. Very big tomorrow. I finally get to kill something.





   I wake up to me being able to move and I can actually control myself. Fuck yeah! I look over, me doing it, not somebody controlling me. All me. I see the Cup. I reach over and knock over the cup. Check step one complete.

I get up slowly, loving how I can control myself again. I walk over to the large closet, I pick out a pair of black, comfy looking jeans. A pair of combat boots and a lose fitting silk shirt. And a lose fitting Paris sweater. I mean why not? Step two check.

I causally walk out of the room, looking for a stele or Sebastion or any of my baby sitters. I could easily take one of them out.

  The first person I see is Xavier. Oh this is going to be too easy. I walk up to him, and you know, I may or may not have taken a certain lamp and hit him upside the head with said certain lamp.  I quickly search through his clothes and find a stele, four serpent blades and a Samsung galaxy S4. Hella yes! Check step three and four.

   I quietly, like the ninja i am, head back to my room. Time to end this bitch. I pull out the stele. It feeling perfect between my fingers. Slowly I trace it onto my neck, me looking in the mirror. Slowly I feel like I am being torn apart. Like I'm ripping into two peices. I close my eyes out of pain. I slowly open them, I look up and I see it. Let's just say, this thing is ugly. Like fucking disgusting.

  I pull out two serpent blades and whisper two angles names. The glow of the blades is so familiar to me I love it.

"Time to die bitch." I hiss threw my teeth at the abomination in front of me. Lunging for it, it tries to escape. I bring the blade down on what I suppose is a hand and it is stuck to the floor. Then, taking my sweet ole time. I swing the blade at its neck. Its head falling from it body. Then it vanishing back to the hell in which it came. Check step five.

Time to find Sebastion. I quickly clean up the demon blood with a towel from the bathroom. I use a soundless rune and go on the hunt for Sebastion.

"Here, Sebastion. Come on boy. Come to Clary. Nice Sebastion come to Clary." I call out knowing he probably won't hear me. I ninja roll for the dramatic effect. When I look up I see him. Sebastian. Standing in front of me. Smiling.

"So I'm guessing she drank it?" he asked with a still amused smile on his face. I get up and brush off my pants. And look at him. It's now or never.

I lean in and wrap my arms around him. He is taken by surprise but returns it. I slowly bring the stele out of my sweater sleeve, and before I know it I quickly write the rune. Not stoping when Sebastion tries to pull away.

I back out of his arms when it is complete. He has a look of shock and utter confusion written all over his face.

"No not really." I replie to his question from earlier. Then he crumples in pain. He screams as the demon is separated from him.

  Now this demon is just plain, revolting, foul, nauseating, sickening, and stomach-churning. I can't even begin to describe it. This thing was inside my brother his whole life.

"Now you, are one ugly bastard. You know that, nut do not fear I shall end your suffering of ugliness and life." I say lifting up the blades in my hands.

Let's just say, by the time I was done with it. It was head less, cut in two, skinned, and the face was totally smashed. Check part seven and eight.

I look over to see him. My real brother. My blue eyed, whited haired brother.

" Johnathan?" I whisper quietly, as i cautiously walk towards him.  Still grasping the fact that this is my brother. MY real brother. Not a demon. My brother. Not Sebastion. My brother, Johnathan Christoffer Morgenstern.

" Clary?" He says in the same hush tone as I. I run into his arms, and for once im not sickened by his touch, im draw and embraced to it.

" It's really you." I say in his ear. He nods his head in agreement and excitement.

I pull away from him. " Let's blow this Popsicle stand." I say trying to find the door. As I look I break every thing in my path, may it be a vase, lamp, table, or a painting. It was destroyed. Check Step nine.

I decide to portal, because I'm lazy like that. And I might have just lit the whole place on fire. I grab Johnathan by hand hand and step threw the portal after i tell him to think of the institute. Check step ten.

  We end up in the library where everyone is at and by everyone I mean, everyone. They all are looking over at me and Johnathan.

"Whats up fuckers?"


So I am going camping for the next ten days so I won't be on at all. While I'm gone I will be sure to write two more chapters for you guys.

So I hope you enjoyed this chapter..




~Smurf Overlord~

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