The Cup

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Clary's POV*****





    I wake up slowly, my eyes fluttering open with caution. I feel the same silk sheets under my fingers. But luckily this time I don't feel an arm draped around me or any thing. Thank you!

I move around a little more feeling for anything I can use to get out, or hurt Sebastion. Either one works, but I like option two better. Just the thought of shoving a knife threw him and slowly watching him bleed gives me a very distinct satisfaction.

   Oh, I can see it now.... Ahhh. Talk about getting on 'Clary's list of best days in entire life.' That would make it too the very top. Which would be a very great honor. Right now best day ever was when me and Nate pull the most amazing prank on Chris. Let's just say, he was cleaning glitter, and feathers out of his ear for a month.

Yup, best day ever.

I get up slowly, trying not to make a noise. Who am I kidding. I'm a fucking shadow hunter for Raziel's sake. Its like being a supernatural ninja. So of course I can walk around a house with out making a noise. Duh. *Mental Eye roll* *And Face palm*

I keep walking down the hall. Pass door by door, until I stumble upon a kitchen. With.... Take a wild guess at what is sitting on the counter calling my name... Take a guess. Go ahead.

If you guessed Bacon with pancakes and syrup, then you got it correct. Congratulations.. You have won..... Drum roll please....*Drum roll* Nothing... You're welcome.

I practically attacked the food when Im close enough to it. Pretty much mauling it. Hey don't judge me. I am hungry. And the first time I woke up I didn't find the food. Unfortunately i was in too big of a rush to get the fuck outta here.

   I virtually jump out of my skin when a cold and menacing finger, trails down my back. Causing disgusted shiver up my spine. Couldn't I just eat my glories food in peace?

Apparently not. Ugh...

"Well I think I just lost my appetite. " I mumble pushing my plate of heaven away from me. ' I'll come back for you' I mentally say to the food of the heavens.

"Oh come on Clary." Sebastion whispers in my ear, pulling my hair behind my neck. Running his fingers up and down my throat. " Don't be like that."

I feel like gagging. And I almost puck in my mouth. I have to get used to this until I can find a stele or a weapon. So far no weapon it seems he had hidden all the kitchen knives, even the butter knives too!! I'm pretty sure from the last time I woke up, he probably hid all the stele's as well.

   I push Sebastions hand away and start walking back to the bedroom to try and figure out another plan. As I walk down the halls, Sebastion calls after me.

" There are some clothes layed out on the bed for you. You have Thirty minutes to get ready, and if I come up there and you aren't ready. I will put it on you myself." He says walking off to who knows where.

   I slowly make my way back too the room. It has an all white door with a crestal looking door knob. I twist the knob with uneasiness. Like there is going to be a demon on the other side or something.

   The door creaks open and I peak my head I side. Carefully making my way through the door. I make it too the bed. On the bed lay a light green silk dress. Free of wrinkles or any other blemishes. It is a low cut so it shows off a shit ton of cleavage. Great. *Please note the sarcasm.* It goes down past my feet, and I don't see any shoes so, no shoes!! He he he. I hope I don't step on any glass.

  I delicately run my fingers across the fine, and smooth fabric. Why in the angels name would I have too wear this too? I slowly pull the dress on. The soft fabric gliding across my pale skin. This dress is so comfortable. Its not to tight, but it still hugs my curves. Okay I need to get my self one of these. I could where it all day.

   I am again interrupted from my own personal heaven by the royal pain the ass.. Wait that's me. The Duke of pain in the asses. Sebastion.

" I take it you like the dress?" He purrs into my ear. *Gag gag. Throw up.*

"Maybe, maybe not. The world may never now." I say looking anywhere but into those pitch black tunnels for eyes. He chuckles and wraps his arms around my waist. Don't kill him Clary. Not yet. Not just yet. I tell my self.

"Come." He says like I have a choice. He pulls me along. I reluctantly follow him. I mean what else am I suppose to do? I don't have anything to kill him with.

After for what felt like hours, which really was only like five minutes. We made it too what seems like a dinning hall. And a fancy dinner was in place and flowers and candles.

Great... Sebastion lead me to the seat on the end. He pulls out the chair for me. Aww what the gentle man. To bad he's my brother and I hate him. Bummer. Oh well.

I sit down and he pushes the chair in. I look down at my plate and see stake. Hallelujah. I start to cut the meat. I look up to see a cup of blood red wine. It looks like a chalice. Or a cheap mundane knock off the The Mortal Cup. Eh I really don't care. It has liquid that is drinkable and I am thirsty.

  I grab the cup and take a sip. I freeze. That was not wine. It was thick and coppery. Blood. I look up too see Sebastion smiling devilishly at me.

I fall to the ground choking. Black spots covering my eyes. Sebastion gets up and walks over to me with the smile still plastered on his face.

" Now we can raise hell together. Now your like me." He whispers to me.

Suddenly all the pain that was going through me stopped. I could see straight again. But I couldn't move. Sebastion's hand reached down for me. I wasn't going to take it but some how my had slid into his.

"Together?" My mouth whispers with out my content.

Sebastion nods. " Together."


Da DA daaaaaa

Soo what do you think??

OKAY...... Well




Love you all. ❤❤❤❤

From: Smurf Overlord.

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