11 - We're Gonna Need More Mentors!

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   You woke up to paws softly prodding your side. Your eyes fluttered open and looked around. You looked up to see Jaypaw. "You're a lot better at this than Wildpaw..." You muttered, getting up and shaking out your fur. "Thanks for waking me up."

   He/she nodded at you. "He/she just woke up and ran out. I had to, or else you'd be late." He/she turns to leave, but his/her eyes linger on you for a second.

   You're confused again, but go to follow him/her. There, all the mentors and the apprentices are waiting. Featherfall opens her mouth to speak, but before a word slips out she is silenced by the call of Finchstar.

   "All cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather beneath the Highrock for a Clan meeting!" She yowled, and you realized she was atop the Highrock. Your ears perked, and you followed the apprentices to find a spot to sit. You placed yourself in between Jaypaw and Wildpaw.

    Finchstar smiled warmly. "Today, we receive a new apprentice. Mistkit, you have reached the age of six moons. It is now time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Mistpaw." 

    "Lightningfire, it is time you received your first apprentice. Snowsong has trained you excellently and you have shown great bravery and strength. You will be the new mentor of Mistpaw, I expect you teach her well."

   Lightningfire walked towards Mistpaw and touched his nose to hers. Lightningfire was a young, bright yellow tabby that looked like Honeynose but a bit paler. He had orange, fiery-colored ears and amber eyes that gleamed with excitement. The Clan broke out in cheers, and you smiled as you called out "Mistpaw! Mistpaw!" as loudly as you could.

   After the cheering died down and Finchstar hopped down from the Highrock, you headed back to where you usually meet with your mentor and the others with Jaypaw, Wildpaw, and Crowpaw. This time, Lightningfire and Mistpaw were there as well. The new apprentice jumped around excitedly. "Don't we explore the territory now?" She said, looking up expectantly at Lightningfire.

   He laughed. "Yes. Come, I'll show you how to mark the borders and maybe even try out a little hunting."

   "Yay!" She squeaked and bounded after him when he calmly walked through the entrance to the forest. You thought the contrast between personalities was funny, and you purred. It reminded you of Featherfall and Crowpaw.

   You followed Stonedust outside of camp and began your training for today.


   You came back exhausted, but you had caught a mouse for your Clan. You were so hungry, but successfully resisted the urge to eat the mouse. You placed it on the fresh-kill pile. Stonedust (finally) tells you that you can get something to eat, you were done for the day. You sit down in front of the apprentice den, waiting for Jaypaw and Wildpaw to come back from the hunt. You wonder if they caught anything.

— Continue to (12)

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