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Name: Hiro

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Human

Personality: Very cold and rude at points


Other: He really likes you, but he doesn't know how to act around you

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Other: He really likes you, but he doesn't know how to act around you.

Scenario 1: Hiro has loved you for a while, but when you gotta boyfriend, he stopped hanging out with you. You came to his house to see what was wrong, but when you came in and saw him you were in pure shock. His hair was messy and he didn't wear his glasses. He wore a big shirt and no pants. He was in terrible shape and it looked like he hadn't eaten. His house was clean and organized, a nod to how he cleaned when he was stressed or sad. You...

Scenario 2: You were walking home from work with Hiro when he froze. You turned only to see him picking a flower from the grass. He gave it to you, with a smile. "(Y/N), Let's start dating." He said, randomly. You...

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