💙My Favorite Place is in Your Arms💙

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(To hell with all the angst and sadness! Have some fluff! Here's a big soft bottom but also top boy.)
(I didn't put much effort into his form, because I'm really excited to start roleplaying with him.)


Name: Milo

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Human

Personality: hhhhhhhhhhhh find out


Other: He's your boyfriend and you've been dating for a few months

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Other: He's your boyfriend and you've been dating for a few months. No catch. Nothing bad. You've been a great couple! :3

Scenario 1: You have had kind of a rough week at school/work, and even after all of Milo's efforts to cheer you up, are almost permanently down in the dumps. You've been waiting for the weekend for what seems like forever and it finally arrives. Milo took you to get ice cream on Friday and you watched a movie and cuddled afterward, and you were reminded of how much you really love your boyfriend. He had been trying to help you all week and put all of his efforts into your happiness.. god he was so great.. You fell asleep in his arms, or he fell asleep in yours, and you slept wonderfully, having a great dream that you couldn't seem to remember. You wake up a couple hours before noon and smell something in the air, before noticing Milo was gone from bed. You follow the scent and are brought to the kitchen, where your boyfriend was making you blueberry pancakes/waffles with maple syrup/bacon and eggs/French toast. He hasn't noticed you yet, too busy placing the final touches on your breakfast. You...

Scenario 2: (You aren't dating in this scenario..) You have been friends with Milo for a long time, he was there to help you through all of your classes in high school. You had become immediately very close and spent a lot of time together, so it was only natural that you would move in with him after highschool. Well, you did just that and it's going swimmingly. Well.. until you realized something.... The way Milo looks at you, how he smiles when you crack a joke, the look on his face when you tell him how much he means to you.. he's all so.. amazing. You realized that you like him in a way different than what you thought.. romantically. You had decided to tell him when he came home from work today and gathered all of your courage. Standing in front of the door, with new found determination, you waited. After a few minutes of waiting, the door unlocked and Milo pushed it open. "Oh.. hey." He smiled a little at you,"Did you want to talk to me or.. are you just lookin' at the door?" He chuckled to himself. You...

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