💫Elven Warrior💫

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(Time set in the medieval-fantasy period. Like the time frame of knights and dragons and such. Elves, goblins, orcs and other races are almost as common as humans.)

Name: "I am Astar Yoshara." The elf stared down at you, a serious look about him,"Now what is it you needed."

Age: "I am one hundred twenty six." He answered, not breaking eye contact. (26 in human years)

Gender: He huffed. "How disrespectful of you." (Male)

Sexuality: He chuckled. "I'm sorry, darling, you're going to have to work harder than that~.." (bisexual)

Species: "I am a High Elf, and a proud one at that." He puffed out his chest a little.

Personality: "Why?" He seemed to be getting impatient. (You'll see)

Looks: "Come on, human. You may not be able to see I the dark, but you are most definitely not blind." He chuckled.

Other: "Leave me, now

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Other: "Leave me, now. I have important business to attend to." He turned on his heel and walked away. (he's a very skilled archer, going around and finishing quests left and right.)

(Too tired to write full scenarios again haha)

Scenario 1: Basically, he saves you from a bear that attacks you when you're taking a walk in the woods. He offers you a health potion, with a worried expression. "Are you alright, madame/sir?" He asks. You..

Scenario 2: You see him at the tavern and you want to seduce him. Go!

Scenario 3: Make one up man i don't know

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