Artificial Earth

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

This story is dedicated to my mother...Buena A. Busine and Chique M. Abolencia, for without them, I am nothing.

Disclaimer: All photos are temporary and are not mine. They serve as guides for a while and will be replaced soon. Credits to the owners.


    "The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire."

                               --Ferdinand Foch


THE END OF ALL THINGS CAME SO fast ---so unexpected. Like a thief in the night, it came without warning.

I stood there helpless, waiting for death and nothingness to take me.
It was getting harder for me to breathe. I could feel and hear my heart beat faster and faster,  darkness I guess would soon follow.
Maybe, just maybe....If there was more time,..things would be different.... I
wanted things to be different.
But in the end, we most often don't get what we asked for.


      I WALKED TOWARDS THE EDGE of the tower's balcony and looked out over the horizon as midnight drew nearer. Its windy and cold outside, so I placed both hands inside both pockets of my leather jacket. I stood there looking at the flood of lights below, two hundred and forty feet above Marble City.

"The Sentry Tower" A three hundred and eighty foot colossal structure designed by the famous Italian architect Pierre Andrew Macinni, stands northeast facing the greatly populated expanse of the bay --where tourists and locals alike flock to enjoy the scenery, food, booze and music of the city's nightlife.
"What do you think Grey?" I asked.
Grey stood there like a statue looking at the horizon same as me. Over the years I've grown to understand most of his facial expressions. The furrow on his usually unwrinkled brow when he's worried, the way his eyebrows fold together when angry, the crinkle on his eyes when feeling happy or the pucker on his face when sad. Looking at him right now I get "blank".... nothing, and that frightens me.
"We better get inside" Grey said., "Storm's coming."
"You go on ahead, I'll be in shortly in a minute." I told Grey
"Better not stay out too long, Abby." Grey said as he went inside.
A chill ran up my spine as I looked over my shoulders, taking one more glimpse of the darkness that looms over the horizon before heading back inside. "Greys right." I thought to myself... Just then, a flash of lightning ripped across the dark sky, illuminating the cluster of ominous clouds followed by booming thunder "Storm's coming... " I murmured as I closed the glass doors.

INSIDE, GREY WAS HUDDLED on the couch facing his Laptop. A cup of freshly brewed coffee was on the table right next to him. Grey Langcaster's the "Assistant Director of Projects and Operations" at the Top Science Research Facility. He is also my "Superior" and my buddy, I think.
"I'm recieving anomalous weather data from our lab." Grey said, as he took a sip from his coffee.
"Do you think it's a glitch in the system?" I asked as I sauntered towards him.
"I can't's still incomplete.." he said, taking another sip of coffee.
"Maybe it's nothing, or it could be something else." Grey worriedly went on.
"I better head to the lab." I said, as I went looking for an umbrella. It probably is raining outside by now and I was feeling a bit unsure whether or not it's a good idea to head on out tonight. "Is Peter on duty tonight?" I asked.
"Abby, Peter lives there."
"Oh, Right." I smiled.

THE RAIN WAS POURING outside just as I expected. I wore my favorite black leather jacket, brought an umbrella with me to avoid getting drenched and left Grey inside the Sentrys Suite to take a much needed rest. He half-heartedly offered to accompany me but I told him not to bother and get some sleep, besides, he needed it more than I do.

I hailed a cab and got in. "Millington Avenue." I said to the driver.
"The storm's getting worse." I thought to myself. It's half past midnight and as I looked outside the closed window of the cab, barely visible because of heavy rainfall...Marble City's slowly winding down. Stores were closing one after the other, people wearing raincoats with umbrellas were heading home from work and others were seeking shelter at stalls.
Marble City's the first, largest, most populated and most industrious City on the Artificial Planet. Other cities are smaller, and the much more smaller ones are called districts. As of the moment there are twenty cities and thirty two districts on the artificial planet (Some areas are still under developed).
I sat in silence staring at the pouring rain outside. The driver turned on the radio and soft music flooded inside the cab, drowning out the rain. A song by a female Asian Artist was playing "When Angels Cry"... It was a classic. I remember my mother singing that song while washing dishes back home, back on Earth. I was around eight, I think, eating a salad and listening to her sing. My mom was enchanting, she had a beautiful smile that complimented her lovely voice, her eyes were dark brown, and whenever she moves she had this certain "Grace" like a ballerina. She had long black straight hair, just like me.
"What the Hell!!!"..the driver screamed, interrupting my reverie. Suddenly the cab was spinning so fast I wasn't even able to get one word out of my mouth....It skidded and flipped over on its sides, going round and round before stopping.
My head struck the passenger side window, broken glass were everywhere..I could feel the rain on my face, or was it blood? I couldn't tell. My hand felt numb and then everything went black.

Authors Note

I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it---

No part of this book may be produced or distributed without the author's permission.

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