Artificial Earth

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Marble City News Center
3:30 a.m

PARENTS FILLED MISSING CHILDREN report out on First Lake. Sarah Michaels read the printout handed by one of the technichians at the News Room. Her hunch was right on the spot, this definitely might blow into a huge story. She took out her cellphone and dialed.
"Hello? Andy? This is Sarah, meet me downstairs in fifteen minutes. Go get Bob for me, okay? Bring the van and the equipment with you, we got ourselves a hot one." she said, closing her phone, heading for the elevator.
Sarah always thought of herself as a strong, competent, independent woman who was capable of facing any challenges that life throws at her.
   She was tall, slender and stunning with gorgeous long blonde hair, deep blue eyes and a sweet face that's almost too beautiful.
     Andy and Bob were waiting for her downstairs at the garage. Sarah strode towards them.
    "You guys ready?" Sarah asked.
     "Good Morning." Bob said, getting in the van.
      "We have to hurry.." she said, addressing them both.
       "Where we heading?" Andy asked.
        "First Lake." she replied.


Artificial Earth's Primary
Defense Center
Marble City
3:30 a.m

       COLONEL HENRY JOHNSON stood before one of the command posts monitor, studying the data coming in from their satellite. The Storm has gained strength and was nearly on top of them. He took his cellphone out and dialed.
     "Major Harris, I want you and your team ready in one hour."
      He then dialed another number..
    "Major Micthell...Initiate Stage One of the Operation. Evacuate as many as you can, sound the alarm and advice those who would be left to remain indoors." he ordered, turning his phone off.
      "Any word from our men on Earth?" the Colonel asked.
      "No word yet, sir." replied the soldier manning the communications equipment.
       "How's the condition of the Command Center on Earth?"
         "Last report was twenty-four hours ago,..Ship's Stable for now, sir."
         "Notify me when you hear something." the Colonel ordered.
          "Yes sir."
    "God help us." he said.


First Lake
3:30 a.m

        INSIDE THE TEMPORARY POLICE Outpost, Sheriff Gilbert was fumming as one of his men explained about the missing kids out on the lake.
    "Why was I not informed about those kids earlier? The report was filled hours ago!"
     "Sheriff?" Deputy Sheriff Monroe entering the tent. "I just got word from one of our men, they located one of the bodies of the missing kids." he said.
     "Where exactly?" Sheriff Gilbert asked, dismissing the other police officer.
     "A few feet above the shoreline, near the forested part of the lake."
      "How about the other kids?"
      "They're still combing the area"
      "I want every available men we have down that shoreline."
        "We'll need more men, sir."
         "Call everyone in, even those who aren't on duty."
          "At this hour, sir?"
          "Wake them all up..and I don't care if they're drunk or sleeping with their gals, I wan't them all here yesterday!"
       In a search and rescue operation, the first twenty four hours crucial. It could mean life or death and every delay cuts down their chances of finding people.
     "Sir, Storm's gained strength, I'm not sure how long the men could keep it up out there. It's getting dangerous, waves are getting stronger...and by now, any trail left would be erased by the Storm " Deputy Monroe explained.
     Sheriff Gilbert grabbed a chair and sat. "I know...but we have to try." he said. "How's the body of the kid they found?"
"Have they Identified the body?"
       "Not yet, sir."
   "Did they secure the body and the area?"
         "I already did, sir."
           "Tell our men to be extra careful out there....creature could still be nearby."
            "Will do, sir" Deputy Monroe replied, heading back to the rain.


Jerry's 24hour Bar & Grill
First Lake
3:30 a.m

       JERRY'S 24HOUR BAR & GRILL WAS Located thirty minutes north east of First Lake. It was one of first lakes most famous hang outs, usually packed with tourists and locals. It features a bar, dinning area, two billiard tables, several dart boards and a private videoke room.
     "Hey Jerry, Have you heard about the rumors about the missing kids?" Hal asked.
        "Heard these kids went missing a few hours ago."
         "Out on the lake, where the creature was said to have been seen."
          "Whose kids?"
           "Heard one was Barry's kid."
           "You mean old man Barry down at the docks?"
               "Heard Martha's kid and his friend been missing too." Lou added.
              "That's three.." Jerry said, wipping the counter.
              "What's the Sheriff doin' about it?" Jerry asked.
              "Nothin' I guess." Lou replied.
               "Sheriffs a pussy!" Someone shouted from the seat across.
                "Damn right ....And you know what? I betcha there'd be more missing people 'till they catch and kill that thing." the fella with the fishing cap added.
            "Hey, hold on fella's, Sheriffs a good man, comes here with his wife and kids every Saturday."  Jerry argued.
           "Doesn't matter if he's good or bad, the "thing" out there's just gonna kill more people." the fella with the fishing cap said.
           "I'm sure the police will take care of that." Jerry said.
            "What if they can't?" Hal asked.
            "I'd say we all head on out there, find that thing and kill it." the large bearded man  suggested.
         "Aye!" someone said.
         "Better to do it ourselves than wait fer the thing to kill more of us!" Someone from the back added.
          "He's right, let's all go and hunt that creature!"
            "Come on!"
           "Hey wait a minute fella's, you all calm down for a minute there and just let the police handle it." Jerry suggested.
            "Theyr'e right, if  we don't do something about this, more people will go missing." Hal agreed.
             "Excuse me,..." A lady wearing a gray raincoat with an umbrella aporoached the counter. She was around her mid thirties, reached out from under her raincoat and held out a photograph.
  "Have any of you here seen my husband?" She asked.


Authors Note

I'll be adding a lot more drama and romance as well as action next time. So please stick around and enjoy reading.

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