Artificial Earth

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Danvers Bar
8:04 a.m

TOMMY, MARIA AND JOHN JUST GOT BACK from the kitchen. Each were carrying trays with two large bowls of soup on them. The aroma filled the entire room, a garlicky, beefy smell invaded their nostrils, making their mouths water and their stomachs growl. Jenny gently helped pull Danver up into a sitting position as Joe and Garth carried the table in front of them over, placing it next to each other. Rob dragged the chairs over while Jake stood watch near the hole on the wall they broke through.
"Where's Cathy?" Tommy asked, his eyes searching the room, placing his tray on top of the table.
"She's in the restroom..." Jenny replied, "You sit here with your dad while I..."
A loud horrific scream reverberated and filled the room, momentarily paralyzing everyone inside.
"Cathy!" Jenny shrieked, standing up.
Joe, Garth and Rob rushed towards the restroom bringing their riffles with them, Jenny and Tommy following right behind. They stopped and stood just in front of the restrooms door, their riffles aimed at the door.
"Garth the light!" Joe cried out, holding the doorknob with his other hand.
Jenny handed her flashlight to Garth who pointed it towards the door. Joe turned the knob and rushed in, followed by Garth then Rob. A thick mist had already accumulated inside, the silence was deafening and the air was cold. They moved slowly, cautiously, Joe thought he heard laughter, in the middle of the room, on the floor, Cathy's body was sprawled.


7:38 a.m

LIEUTENANT ALEXA FERNANDEZ, BRICK AND SPOON Took refuge in a small Mauseleum, taking time to rest and catch their breaths. The Mausoleum was very much the smallest they've seen so far, just large enough for all three of them to fit in and move around.
"Let's stay here for a few minutes before we head on out again." Alexa said, sitting down.
"This place looks fairly new, like a few years old." Brick said, looking around.
"I guess so, paint hasn't faded yet, no cracks on the walls, probably two to three years old." Alexa said, looking at the walls.
"Feels good to be out of the rain for a while." Spoon said, pointing his flashlight at the center of the room.
"I think we're lost.." Alexa said, touching the communications link on her shoulders. "Eagle, Come in....Eagle, Do you copy?" she said, trying to reach the others. Nothing.
"I think so too....Don't remember passing this way while running after that kid." Brick said.
"Everything looks the same out there, plus can't see more than a few feet ahead because of the rain." Spoon added.
"If we're not back soon and they don't hear from us, pretty sure they'll start looking for us." Alexa said.
"So what do we do?" Brick asked.
"We stay here for a while, freezing out there..." Alexa replied.
"I'm a little concern about that kid,..I mean, if she was just an ordinary kid..." Spoon said.
"We tried. Can't do anything about that...What we can do is figure out a way to get back or a way to contact the others." Alexa replied, looking at Spoon. "We keep an eye out for that kid too.." she added, hoping to ease Spoons mind.
"I'm more concern about the holes on the graves..." Brick said.
"Jeez, This definitely tops my wierdest days list." Alexa said.
"Can I ask you a question lieutenant?" Spoon asked.
"How long have you been with the Major?"
"Since the beginning. We went on hundreds of missions, lost a lot of friends along the way."
"Heard Major's good on the field.."
"He's the best. Never saw anyone come close. There was this time when we were outnumbered ten to one...We were on a retrieval mission, back on earth, before the virus broke out. Mercenaries boxed us in with no way out...Major broke through their line, shot everyone standing in the way." Alexa said, "Trev, Stone, Duncan and Chester were also with us since the beginning."
"Everyone keep quiet....Lieutenant..." Brick said, turning towards the lieutenant, gesturing her to come over. Brick was kneeling with one knee near the slightly opened door, looking outside. Alexa and Spoon quietly moved towards Brick.
"What is it?" Alexa wisphered, taking a peek.
"There....over those rows of trees." Brick wisphered back, pointing at the rows of trees barely visible in the pouring rain. "Movement, looks like a procession of some sort, can't see too clearly." he added.
"They look like people..." Alexa said then gasped. A pale face turned towards them, revealing a hideous mask. One eye was dangling from it's socket, it's skin peeled off showing teeth, like a grin forever etched on it's face.
The three watched in horror as the sea of the dead walked slowly pass them.


THE TUNNEL WAS LONG AND NARROW. Cobwebs lined the entire interior, dirt and soil clung on the walls, cockroaches scattered, their peace violated by the trespassers.
"How long do you think this tunnel is?" Duncan asked, trailing Stone and Trev.
"No idea." Stone replied, moving forward.
"You know, I'm a little disappointed." Trev said, trudging ahead.
"About what?" Stone asked.
"Well, I was expecting something would come out you know..." Trev replied, brushing off cobwebs.
"Like a ghost?" Duncan asked.
"No, like a giant spider." Trev said. "Off course I meant ghosts." he added.
"Are we talking about ghosts again?" Stone asked.
"We haven't seen one yet but doesn't mean it's not there." Duncan said.
"What the hell do you mean by that?" Trev asked, stopping.
"Maybe they're already near us and hasn't shown themselves yet." Duncan said.
"You mean there's more than one of them?" Trev asked.
"Maybe." Duncan replied.
"Will you two cut with the ghost thing..." Stone inserted.
"How could there possibly be more than one? Do you mean they travel in packs?" Trev asked, unable to move forward.
"I'm just saying that it's possible that there's more than one of them or that it's not impossible that they come together or haunt together." Duncan explained.
"What?....Like a girl group?" Trev asked.
"Stupid." Stone said, "They don't travel in packs."
"See.." Trev said.
"They flock like birds." Stone added.
The Comm link on Duncans shoulder buzzed, startling the trio "Duncan...Where the hell are you?" Lance asked, his voice on speakers, interrupting them. "We're inside this creepy tunnel.." Duncan replied, pushing a button.
"Forget the tunnel...bzzt....Major want you three back here now...bzzt."
"Roger that...On our way."
"Something's up.." Stone said.
"Maybe the others are back.." Duncan said.
All three turned their heads in unison towards the other end of the tunnel. The smell of decay filled the air, putrid and getting stronger. A low snarling noise was coming from the other end and getting closer. Trev instinctively raised his riffle, aiming it infront, Stone pointed the beam of his flashlight towards the sound.
"Something's in there.." Trev softly said.
"It's getting closer." Stone added.
"I don't see anything..." Duncan said.
"What is it?" Stone asked.

"Let's get out here...." Trev cried out, turning around following Stone.


Kennebeck Stadium
7:15 a.m

JIMMY AND EARL STOPPED INFRONT of a window covering the vent. On the other side, below the window, clothes were wrapped in plastic, shoes were hung on the wall for display, basketballs in different sizes were stacked in a large carton box and weightlifting equiptment were on the far end of the room. "A Sports Store." Jimmy thought, peeking through the window, pointing the flashlight downwards.
"Earl, hold this." Jimmy said, handing Earl the flashlight. Jimmy sat then started kicking the window, after several kicks, the window broke off and fell below.
"It's a long drop.." Jimmy said, looking below.
"Think we can make it?" Earl asked.
"Not without breaking a leg."
"What do we do?"
Jimmy thought for a minute. "The Basketballs!"
"Earl, take off your overalls.." Jimmy said, starting to take off his too.
"Just do as I say."
Earl took off his overalls and handed it to Jimmy, leaving himself wearing a white tshirt and boxer shorts. Jimmy started ripping the overalls in half, twisting it, tying them together, fastening them.
"Okay, Earl, I want you to sit here, place your back against the wall, put your feet in front of you and lower me down...I'll swing back and forth then try to drop on top of that carton full of basketballs." Jimmy explained. "Then I'll look for something you can use to get down." he added.
"Think this would work?" Earl asked.
"It's the only thing I could think of." Earl sat back and steadied himself, lowering Jimmy slowly down the window. "Okay...Jimmy." Earl said through clenched teeth.
Jimmy started swinging, aiming for the carton box, "I have to make it." Jimmy thought. After a few more swings, as he headed forward towards the direction of the box, Jimmy let go of the makeshift rope. His body flew into the air, propelling forward towards the box, landing directly into the large carton full of balls.


Autors Note

Hi there! Another page done...If you enjoyed reading, please don't forget to Vote. You can comment and share too if you like! Thanks!!!

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