Artificial Earth

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OUTPOST 07 WAS AS LARGE AS a three bedroom door apartment and was located on the outermost part east of the city , only a few feet away from the forest.
Tonio had positioned himself behind the slightly opened front door of the outpost, sixty feet across the supply room with his rifle aimed outside. It was dark, and it was very hard to see anything because of the heavy rainfall and strong wind.
"Any luck with the CCTV cameras?" Marty asked, slipping a magazine into his rifle.
"None. Theyr'e all out." Joe replied. "Internet and cellphone signal's also dead."
"Well, keep tryin'." Marty nervously said.
"What do we do now, any bright ideas?" Tonio asked, while glancing outside.
"We stay here where it's safe and wait out the storm." Marty remarked taking the safety off and putting the rifle on automatic.
"What the hell was that?" Tonio asked. He was still looking outside, squinting through the rain.
"Miro" Joe replied.
"Oh Come on Joe! That was only a story.." Tonio said turning to Joe totally exasperated.
"We don't know that." Joe said. "It could be Miro."
"Marty...could you help me out here?.." Tonio asked, looking at Marty while his other hand was gesturing towards Joe. He wanted Marty to side with him and be the one to explain to Joe that "Miro" is just a story that his Aunt, maybe made up and that what's out there's probably a very large animal that sounded like a monster from a horror movie.
"Okay you two stop that,.Whatever's out there..."Marty was saying..
"Miro." Joe inserted, interrupting him.
"Miro or......I don't know,....What's important is that we remain here until we know who or what we're dealing with." Marty said.

Suddenly the lights went out and the outpost was swallowed by darkness.
"Sunnuva...!!!" Tonio exclaimed.
"Everyone relax! Don't panic!" Marty nervously said.
"I can't fuckin' see a thing!' Tonio shouted.
"Joe! You there buddy?" Marty asked.
"I'm right here!" Joe replied. "Anyone have a light or something?"
Marty took out his Zippo and ignited it. A small blue flame illuminated the darkness producing a dim light inside the room.
"Okay,...Joe, you come with me and let's go look for a...." Marty was saying when a flood of light appeared.
"Cellphone's are fully charged." Joe said.
"Right, Okay." Marty said while closing his Zippo.
"Guys...Something's moving out there, behind the supply room near the trees.." Tonio whispered loudly, aiming his rifle at the "thing."
Joe and Marty stood still for a moment before moving towards the door where Tonio was perched.
"What is it? What do you see?" Marty quietly asked.
" quiet." Tonio whispered.
"I can't see a thing.."Joe whispered back,"...
It was an eerie silence., The wind was howling fiercely like a pregnant woman who's about to give birth, trees were bending back and forth casting shadows, rain was pounding on the roof, a steady rhythm broken only by cracks of lightnings and rolling thunder. Something moved in the forest, a long flowing shadow gently creeping like mist...haunting. The three watched fearfully as the feeling of foreboding crept into their hearts and minds, gently caressing, embracing their very souls.
"Gear up" Marty whispered softly.
Tonio stood watch as Joe and Marty took out all the ammunition.
"What are we going to do Marty?" Joe asked.
"We're gonna try to stay alive by using our heads." Marty replied while checking ammo and supplies.

The three barricaded themselves inside the front room of the outpost using tables and chairs to block the front door and blocking the windows with the locker cabinet.
"Tonio, You make sure nothing enters that door."Marty ordered.
"We stay close together, Joe will cover the rear and I'll take the window."Marty commanded.
"Nothing gets in here, understood?" Marty commandingly asked.
Joe and Tonio nodded.
"What do you think that was?"Tonio asked.
"Miro" Joe answered. This time no one disagreed.

An hour had passed and the storm, unbelievable as it may seem, was getting worse. Water level had risen to ankle deep and all communication was down.
"We won't last the night here...I say we make a run for it." Tonio suggested.
"I say we stay here and wait for the power to come back."Joe contested.
"No, I think Tonio's right. The water's rising and the storm's getting worse, if we wait any longer, we might not have another chance to get out of here."Marty reasoned, unsure.
"I think we have a better chance if we stayed and wait for the storm to pass."Joe insisted.
"We can't, look...the water's rising, fast, we're on low ground and the storm's not letting up. Another hour and the water will be waist deep and we'll be trapped." Tonio explained.
"He's right, by then we won't be able to defend ourselves from whatever's out there."Marty concluded.
"Here's the plan,..We move on out together and get to the truck across the supply room. Then we head to "Danver's bar" to get help and gas up before heading back to the city."Marty decided. "I'll go first, Tonio and then Joe."
They moved the tables and chairs away from the front door and went out. Darkness engulfed them.
"Keep your eyes open!" Marty yelled. The wind and rain mercilessly bombarded them, water outside was already knee deep and kept them from moving any faster. They were already half way from the supply room when something caught Tonio's foot and was dragging him into the forest. Gunfire erupted.
"Tonio!"Joe yelled over the noise of the rain while firing simultaneously at the forest were Tonio was being dragged.
Tonio was screaming and asking for help. He was pulled into the forest and then...silence..
"Run Joe!" Marty shouted while pulling Joe.
Marty and Joe were able to reach the truck when something wrapped around Marty's foot. He fired at the thing then a monstrous screaming sound was heard. Joe came over to help, fired three consecutive shots and then tried to free Marty. The thing pulled Marty dragging Joe along with him.
Joe lost his grip and Marty disappeared into the forest.
"Marty!!!" Joe cried out.
Joe got up and kept firing into the forest until he ran out of bullets. He then climb inside the truck, started the ignition and drove off.

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