Artificial Earth

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        DUNCAN, TREV AND STONE RUSHED OUT OF The dark and creepy tunnel. All three were flushed, relieved and spooked at the same time. Something was in there with them, that much they were certain,something that smelled like decay, of rotten meat. It would've been natural, since they were in a tunnel inside a Mauseleum after all, only problem was that, whatever that foul smelling thing was, it was moving towards them, and that was not in anyway normal.
       "Okay...we're out." Trev said, breathing hard.
       "I don't know about you guys but something was definitely in there with us, and it sure as hell was no ghost." Duncan said.
       "Quick! Get that table! And get some chairs from the other room..." Trev said.

         The three piled up the tables, chairs, anything they can use from the adjacent room and barricaded the entrance of the tunnel, stacking them up from floor to ceiling.
          "Okay...I think that's enough." Trev said, catching his breath.
            "Think that'll keep whatever that thing was from getting out?" Stone asked, looking at their handiwork.
            "Let's just hope so." Trev said, "Cause whatever that was....It definitely feels bad, really bad." he added.
             "Why don't we just... wait for whatever that was and shoot it?"Stone asked.
              "We dont even know what it was, can't just go all rambo and start shooting everything...Duncan said.
                "Man, that film was a classic...watched it hundreds of times.." Stone said.
                "Yeah, me too! It's pretty old but really love it." Duncan said.
                 "Especially liked that scene where he placed mud all over himself so that the alien thing won't be able to see him." Stone said.
                  "Alien?... That's not rambo dumbass..thats "Predator". Duncan said.
                   "Is so" Stone insisted.
                   " not!" Duncan exclaimed.
                    "Is so!" Stone argued.  
                     "What the hell are you guys doing?!!" Trev asked, feeling frustrated and annoyed at the same time.
                     "Well he started it.." Duncan pointed out.
                      "The hell I did.. " Stone said and was about to add more when Trev interrupted him.
                      "Will you two just knock it off for a second and focus!...geeez....look, we don't have a lot of time and we don't know what the hell that thing was back there or how dangerous that thing is, and those chairs won't hold for long..let's just get back to the others as fast as we can and warn them." Trev said, feeling uneasy.
                   "I still say we wait here out in the open and shoot it when it comes out." Stone said, taking the safety off his riffle. He was scared, yes, but his curiosity was stronger and wanted to see what was in the tunnel with them.
                    "No. We go back and warn the others, the Major would know what to do, we can't risk a confrontation when we don't know what we're up against....we'll need back up, we fall back, now." Trev said, brushing the sweat off his forehead with his left arm. Somehow, he hoped he sounded convincing enough, because he really got a bad feeling about this one.
               "I agree with Trevs, we better fall back for now." Duncan said.
                "Fine. But what will we tell the Major?..that something that smells bad was in there with us and was after us?" Stone asked, putting the safety on his riffle back on.
              "Exactly. We tell the Major just that." Trevs replied.
               "Geeez, fine...but I won't be the one tellin'the Major." Stone said.


Kennebeck Stadium

          THE NORTH EASTERN PART OF THE STADIUM was dark and deserted. Jimmy and Earl slowly walked the long narrow winding corridor, staying close to the walls, sticking to the shadows like fugitives avoiding capture. During the annual inter city games, this part of the stadium was usually crowded with people from different regions of the Artificial Planet. Men, women and children wanting to watch the festivity and support their favorite athlete or simply to shop and enjoy the many attractions. Today however was different, the hallways were empty, booths were closed and the glass windows on designer stores which were lined up and were usually lit with beautiful neon lights were now dark and lifeless. Jimmy led Earl towards the end of the corridor, up ahead was a huge open circular space, a sign on the right side of the wall hung, "Food Court", empty tables and chairs occupy the entire circular area and at the center of the open space was an escalator leading to the second floor of the stadium. The two weaved their way towards the escalator stopping briefly once in a while to look around, checking if  they were alone. After reaching the escalator, the two began climbing the metallic stairs which were idle, upon reaching the top Jimmy and Earl abruptly stopped, the beam of light from their flashlights swept the floor. On the right side near the corner, several bodies were women and small figures that looked like children were lying on the floor, lifeless, their skin clinging to their bones, just like old Ted.
            "Jesus..." Jimmy muttered out, unable to take his eyes away from the scene.
              "Oh" Earl started saying but wasn't able to finish.
                "Come on....let's keep moving." Jimmy said, counting the bodies as they pushed forward, being careful not to step on the bodies. "One...two..." Jimmy counted as they passed bodies. "Seven..Eight."
                 One of the bodies caught Jimmy's attention, a girl with blonde wavy hair wearing a red vest with a nameplate. Jimmy sat beside the corpse and carefully took her nameplate off and read it aloud, "Rebecca Simmons." Jimmy knew her.
           It was three years ago. The annual festival has just started and the stadium was fully packed. People from all over the Artificial Planet were flocking by the thousands, it was the peak season and it set the record for the most number of participants ever. It was a beautiful sunny day outside the stadium, the trees surrounding it were lush and full of life, flowers were blooming and painted every corner with an array of colors. A parade marking the opening ceremony for the festivities had just begun, floats of all sorts and sizes decorated with colorful flowers with various themes filled the streets, on top of them were people wearing masks, wierd ensembles and costumes made up of different materials, like Mardi Gras.
       A marching band was at the head of the parade, playing loud musical themes from popular cinematic films, beautiful young majorettes with matching short white skirts twirled their batons, showing off their skills and their fine slender legs. Jimmy was amongst the crowd of onlookers, he was 18 back then and was enjoying the festival just like everyone else.
          "Ummm, excuse me..." a pretty short lady with curly blonde hair said, startling Jimmy.
            "Wha-" Jimmy was about to say something when the lady interupted him.
              "Could you please move a little, you're blocking the view." she said, staring straight into Jimmy's eyes.
                "Ooops, sorry missy..."
                 "That's okay.." she said, then continued looking at the attractions.
           Jimmy stood still for a moment and kept staring at her face.
                      "Ahem, you're still blocking my view." she said, smiling a bit.
                        "U-Oh..sorry missy.." Jimmy replied, moving aside.
                          "It's alright." she said, this time returning Jimmy's stare.
                        "I'm Rebecca...Rebecca Simmons." she said, introducing herself.
                         "Hi..I..I'm Jimmy Weber."
                         "Nice to meet you Mr. Jimmy Weber." she said, holding out her hand. Jimmy shook her hand and felt an electrical current flow throughout his body, his mind going blank all of a sudden.
                    "Are you alone Mr. Weber?" she asked, tucking in a loose strand of hair behind her ears.
                      "Me? I mean Jimmy, you can call me Jimmy." he nervously replied.
                        "So Jimmy...Are you alone or are you with someone?"
                       "Yes...I mean...No..."
                          "No? You're not alone?"
                        "No...I mean...I'm still single."
                      Rebecca laughed then continued.
                           "I wasn't asking if you were still single, what I meant was, are you here alone or do you have company?"
                           "I'm alone..just me, myself I mean."
                            "Good. Now, would you like to join me in having a cup of coffee?"
                            "Sure...but...I...I...forgot...I don't drink coffee...could use a glass of ice tea though."
                             "Good. I'll have coffee and you get some Ice tea. How's that?"
                              "Great!...that sounds great I mean."
                          "Hahaha! You're funny Jimmy, come on let's go have a drink."

          On the left side of the stadium near the entrance, besides a photo studio was a small internet gaming slash coffee shop. Jimmy and Rebecca went inside and waited in line to get their drinks.
           "I still can't believe you don't drink coffee." Rebecca said. "You're actually the first person I've met who doesn't drink coffee." she added, smiling a little.
             "Is that a bad thing?" Jimmy asked.
              "'s actually kind of cute in a way, and strange at the same time."
               "Thanks." Jimmy replied, smiling a little too.
                 "The boy who doesn't drink coffee....Mr. Jimmy Weber." Rebecca said, smiling then staring back at Jimmy.


Author's note

Hi there!!! Thank You soooo much for sticking around guys!!! Jimmy and Rebecca's story ain't over yet so please do stick around, more surprises ahead. If you happen to enjoy the story, please please do Vote, Comment or Share the story with your friends!!! Thank You so much and God bless!!!

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