Artificial Earth

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Danvers Bar
5:30 a.m

INSIDE THE BAR, CATHY WAS sitting in a corner watching over Jenny who was lying on a sofa still unconscious. Jake and Rob were below the staircase on gaurd while Danver, Garth, Joe and Tommy were at the counter planning.
"We'll need gasoline.." Joe said, looking at Danvers.
"Have some, problem is...It's way out back." Danver replied.
"We'll need that." Joe said, thinking.
"Then let's get it." Garth said.
"Okay...You and that other guy in black come with me, you...wake that lady over there and be ready when we get back." Joe nervously said.
"Right. Be careful out there." Danver said, looking at them both.
"Okay let's move."
Joe, Garth and Jake cleared the tables and chairs that were blocking the door to the entrance and stepped outside, closing the door behind them. It was still very dark outside, the wind was howling and the rain poured like a waterfall. Jack led the way followed by Joe then Garth, moving as fast and quietly as possible in the rain. They reached the shack and went inside then closed the door. Jack searched for the light switch then turned it on, empty cans were pilled up on one side of a corner, boxes were stacked up on made-up shelves, a shovel was placed on the other side together with several tools, four cans of gasoline were lined up next to it.
"We got four left." Jake said, checking the cans. "How many do we need?" he asked.
"We only need two. You there, What's your name?" Joe asked, tunning to Garth.
"Okay Garth, You carry these cans while we cover you."


"What's your name miss?" Danver asked.
"Cathy, ya go wake Jenny up fer us, okay?"
Cathy sat beside Jenny and touched her face. "Jen...hey Jen.." she said, gently tapping Jennys face.
"Wha..what?...What happened?" Jenny asked, confused.
"You passed out." Cathy said.
"Cathy?...Where are...Oh.." Jenny said, slowly recalling what happened.
"Ray and Buddy..." Cathy went, unable to say more, holding back her tears.
"And Gina?" Jenny asked,looking at Cathy then Danver.
Danver cleared his throat, "I'm sorry." he said.
Jenny sat up, "I could have stopped they're gone, It's my fault." she said, covering her eyes with both hands, sobbing.
Don't be too hard on ya'self, ain't ya fault, no one's blaming ya." Danver said, feeling sorry for her.


"Hey Rob, Can I ask you something?" Tommy asked, looking at Rob.
"What?" Rob asked back.
"What do you think that thing is?" Tommy asked.
"I have no Idea kid."
"You think it was an Alien?"
"Maybe, What do you think?"
"I think It's some sort of military experiment gone wrong, top secret, chemicals were spilled on the ground and the trees came to life."
Rob stared at the kid, "I think you watch too much television."


Joe was peeking through the door, looking out at the rain, Garth was standing behind him carrying two cans of gasoline while Jake was waiting for Joe to give the order to move.
"Everything looks clear, let's go..." Joe said, heading out into the rain.
They moved in darkness, slowly inching their way back to the bar.
"Only a few more feet.." Joe thought to himself.
They were already halfway when they heard a monstrous noise, vine like tentacles appeared from the darkness, blocking their path.
"Shit!" Joe yelled, firing at the creature. "Get back!" he screamed over the noise of gunfire and rain.
Garth dropped the cans and ran back inside, Jake and Joe backed away, firing at the creature, locking the door behind them as they got back.
"Damn it!" Joe swore. "That thing out there's fast." he said, catching his breath.
"And intelligent, It knows we're here." Garth added.
"What now?" Jake asked, brushing water off his face.
"Bullets seem to have no effect on the thing.." Garth said.
"No, I'm sure we hurt It...saw it moved back a bit while we were firing." Joe argued. "Let's just stay here for a while..."
"Good plan." Garth agreed.


A succession of gunfire erupted outside, everyone inside the bar turned their heads towards the door.
'They're in trouble." Rob said, standing up.
"What do we do?" Tommy asked, following his lead.
"Everyone keep calm..." Danver said.
"We have to help them." Jenny voiced out.
"We can't." Danver said.
"What do you mean we can't?" Rob asked, feeling frustrated. "Those are my friends out there!" he exclaimed.
"Look, I know you're worried about your friends out there....The best thing we can do is to stay here and wait fer them." Danver suggested. "Garth is a tough kid, Jake's pretty smart and that soldier's no walk in the park either, sure those three won't go down that easily." he added.
The lights began to flicker then went out. Tommy turned on his Cellphone's flashlight.
"My batteries almost out." he said.
"Tommy, get the flashlights, they're underneath the cabinet on the counter." Danver ordered.
Tommy did what he was told...."We have three." he said, giving one to his dad, Jenny then Rob.
"I..I don't want to die..." Cathy said, sobbing.
"No one's gonna die." Danver said, trying to sound confident.
"We're..all..." Cathy was saying, sobbing.
"Stop it! Cathy, listen...we're not going to die..." Jenny said, cutting her off.
"I...wanna..go...go...home.." Cathy said, whimpering.
"Sssshhh, hush now...sweetie..." Jenny said, trying to soothe her.
"I want to go home!" Cathy cried out and stood up, took her riffle...It's barrel pointing towards the ceiling then pulled the trigger. She then aimed it on Danver, still sobbing.
"I want home!" Cathy said.
"Cathy...." Jenny said, moving closer.
"No!" Cathy cried out, pointing the riffle at Jenny.
Jenny raised her hands up as Danver, Rob and Tommy moved closer.
"Hey kid...calm down." Danver said, holding his riffle and flashlight up.
"Don't come any closer!" she warned, aiming the riffle back at Danver.
"Come on Cathy....put the riffle down..." Tommy gently suggested, moving closer.
"Don't come any closer or I'll shoot!" she warned, this time aiming the riffle at Tommy.
Rob was slowly moving sideways trying to flank her...Cathy aimed the riffle at Rob.,"Stop!" she warned.
"Missy...put the riffle down and let's talk about this before someone gets hurt." Danver said, moving closer.
"No!" she cried out, pointing the riffle back at Danvers then fired.


First Lake
4:30 a.m

THREE OFFICERS WERE DEEP IN THE forested part of the lake searching for the missing kids, they were carrying flashlights and wearing raincoats with matching rubber boots. Mud made it harder for them to move faster, the wind and rain was bone-chilling, making the trek more difficult and dreadful as they headed to deeper darkness.
"See anything?" officer Henry asked, moving forward.
"No. You?" officer Gumry asked back, moving alongside of him.
"We better head back!" officer Milo yelled from behind.
Something moved in the shadows, slushing in the mud. The three police officers stopped and pointed their flashlights back and forth around the area.
"Somethings out there.." Henry said, stepping back.
It moved again, this time on their left side..they drew their guns, pointing the light and their guns where they heard movement.
"Anyone there?" officer Milo called out. "
Gumry took out his radio and called..
"Dispatch, This is Officer Gumry...... Oh my God!!!"
Shots were fired and the radio fell into the mud.


Authors Note

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