Artificial Earth

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Top Science Research Facility
"E.A.R.T.H" 2 ( Earth's Artificial Research and Technogical Habitat ) 02 Marble City

"HEY, LOOK WHO'S BACK!" Peter exclaimed.
"Nice to see you Peter." I greeted.
"I'm glad that you're okay, I wanted to go visit you at the hospital but..." Peter was saying.
"That's okay, no explaination needed but thanks anyway." I said smiling.
Peter Jengkins is a brilliant scientist and a good friend of mine. He is also under my division and a valuable member of Top Sciences Research Staff.
"How's your hand?" he asked, looking at my plastered hand.
"It's healing, the doctor told me it'll probably take at least a week before I could take the bandage off."
"That's good to hear, you gave us a bit of a scare there..accident and all." he said with concern.
"Thanks I appreciate that."
"Where's Grey, I heard you two came in together?" Peter wondered.
"He left a while ago, got a call from the "Board."
"Aaah, I see...."
"Where's Maya?" I asked, my eyes searching the room.
"She's with "Bone", I think she's gotten quite attached to him." He said grinning wickedly.
"Oh Crap, I totally forgot all about Bone!" I shrieked and almost used my bandaged hand to slap my forhead.

Bone's my "dog". He's a Siberian Husky.
Last year, there was this new gene culture that we developed that enhances mass and growth of living tissues.
We were looking for a candidate to test the gene strain before using it on humans to boost immunity so as to fight foriegn bacteria,viruses and diseases on an artificial environment. So I decided to enter Bone as a candidate. The strain adapted well to Bones physiology. He's a lot healthier, more active and bigger than the average "Husky." We still needed more time to work on the strain and run a few more tests before asking approval from the board so we could actually try it on a human being.
"Where are they now?" I asked.
"They're at the play room, If you want I could give Maya a heads up, tell her that you're coming..."
"No problem."
"And Peter.....I'd like a copy of the data analysis on the storms progress, history and projections by seven o'clock,.. If it's possible?"
"Sure thing boss."


I WAS ON MY WAY TO THE PLAY room when I came across "Jasper." He's the Assistant Chief Security Officer of the facility.
"Professor Abigail Case...." Jasper greeted.
"Jasper..." I replied.
"Been looking all over for you, heard you had an accident..."
"Get to the point Jasper..."
"Temper..Okay, I just want to inform you that starting next month, you'll be required to undergo Military Training".
"Why on Earth should I take Military Training?" I asked, flabbergasted.
"Protocol Professor." Jasper robotically replied. "I don't make the rules, I just follow them..and besides, it's not like I enjoy babysitting."
"I don't "need" babysitting." I irritatedly shot back.
"Yeah, Right." Jasper said looking at my plastered hand.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, totally exasperated.
"Look, i'm in a bit of a hurry...just make sure to be at training next month."Jasper strode off leaving me there dumbfounded.


"BONE!!!" I SHOUTED. MAYA AND BONE were busy playing "Catch" when I walked into the room. Upon hearing my voice, Bone jovially ran towards me.
I felt tearful as Bone licked my face, knowing that I unintentionally forgot all about him.
"How's my big boooy?..." I asked out loud while stroking his thick fur.
"You missed me?"" I continued, unaware of Maya's amused stare.
I stood up and walked towards Maya
"Thank You sooo much for taking care of Bone for me Maya." I sincerely said.
"Hey, No problem professor." Maya answered back.
Maya's an outstanding scientist who recently made the staff. She's half Filipino and very thoughtful. Her mother's a Filipina and her father's from California, they both died during the "Reaping."
She was top of her class during college and became the youngest pick for the position of artificial earth's regeneration program involving micro organisms and sub alien cultures.
" I'm sorry for the trouble." I appologized.
"It's okay...Bone and I had fun..right Bone?"
"Aarf!, Aarf!" Bone yelped, looking at Maya while wagging his tail.
"He's grown a bit too." Maya added, addressing me this time.
"Gene strains compatibility with host subject seems successful. The symbiotic adaptation of the strain was remarkable, I took a blood sample of the host and brought it to "Lab Works" for analysis just this morning. Should be getting the results soon." She explained, taking out her cellphone.
"Here's the data on the strains metabolism,..See that red part, that's where the hosts gene accepted the foreign strain, no indications of anti body resistance." she pointed out.
"Let's run more tests and see if the data's consistent, just to be 100%
certain." I said. "..And your work with the regeneration project?" I inquired.
"Not so good, micro organisms weren't able to regenerate...I'm still trying to figure out why the cell spliting of tissues can't artificially be grafted." she replied, clearly disappointed with the results.
"I'm putting out a request to join the exploration team next month to look for specimens back on Earth., If I don't get approved it'll take another nine months before a window opens up again." she worriedly said.
"I'll ask Grey if he can pull some strings and put you on the list."
"Thank you professor." she said.
"Aarf!Aarf!" Bone yelped.


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